![]() Final Blog Prompt: Chapters 22 and 23 contain a strong sense of foreboding, or the feeling of a catastrophe around the corner. Look through these chapters and demonstrate how suspense is used to foreshadow future doom. Use several examples to prove your point. Relate these examples to the function of a gothic novel. Primary Blog Expectations (respond to the prompt above): 200-250 words, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the name you were assigned in class as your nom de plume and be sure to add word count. Due by 11:59pm Friday night 12-11-2020! Secondary Blog Response Expectations (read everyone's primary responses, select two that interest you, and respond to their ideas): 100-150 words EACH, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the name you were assigned in class as your nom de plume and be sure to add word count. Due by 11:59pm Sunday night 12-13-2020! Below you will find three embedded portions of NPR: Radiolab's podcast, "Morality." The fourth embedded link is the full hour of the podcast if you have the time to listen to it in its totality in one sitting.Your assignment for this last blog entry for The Road is to listen to this podcast and comment upon it in a holistic sense (listen to all 3 portions before composing your blog entry).Possible questions to start your blog post: Where does our sense of right and wrong come from? What is the relationship between morality, humanity, and the individual?
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February 2025