These images could depict some of the main plot points of Chapters 1-4 illustrating some main events in young Victor's life and development: his idyllic childhood and introduction to Elizabeth Lavenza, his mother's death, and his entrance into university. While these are moments are important, they are by no means the only significant points in these four chapters.
Thereza Dilwyn Llewelyn
11/3/2017 10:31:51 am
Hannah Longshore
11/5/2017 07:57:29 pm
I like your idea on how Victor likes to defy the laws of nature. It surprises me on how Victor is ready to marry his sister, even though she’s adopted, but I also agree that this may foreshadow his role as acting as a God. I am interested in your idea where you say “It would be considered against the laws of nature to reanimate a dead body, just as it would be against these laws to have a romantic relationship with your sister”. I really like this analogy because it can help a reader understand your point a lot better. Also, your point about the parents being a reason for the novel can be argued, however I do feel that Elizabeth plays a huge role in this novel.
Katherine Marray Lyell
11/5/2017 09:10:37 pm
I completely agree with your response, since it is unacceptable for someone to fall in love with their own sister, even if she is adopted. In this situation, Victor thins his adoptive sister belongs to him and to nobody else, he sees her as a present. It looks like Victor is determine to make his own rules and like you stated, " he is a godlike figure, the standard rules of society do not apply to him". From simply going against family morals, he began to escalate and eventually decided to go against the laws of nature.
Olga Fedchenko
11/6/2017 10:24:29 am
I really enjoyed reading this response- the idea that Victor's odd relationship with his sister is foreshadowing his role in "playing god" struck me as both insanely obvious yet completely hidden- as I didn't pay attention to that- to be done by Shelley. The conclusion that this excerpt showed "how victor Frankenstein likes to defy the laws of nature" was very well-worded; I cannot think of a better way to describe this quote- by oddly caring for his sister and later playing the role of God in attempting to create a new life from the dead, Victor really doesn't like to comply to the average societal rules followed by the people around him.
Z'Sofia Torma
11/26/2017 01:55:05 pm
You worded beautifully how Victor feels about nature and science. By saying he likes to "defy the laws of nature" it explains perfectly why Victor ended up creating the creature and his motives behind doing so. When I read the passages, I was very puzzled as to why he decided to do something that seemed frivolous but I believe that you have really hit the nail on the head. I do not agree, however, that Victor falling in love with his sister has anything to do with him "playing God". Victor was pushed towards Elizabeth with full force, not even really given a choice on whether or not to fall in love with her. Even though he ended up very happy being with Elizabeth, it was still not truly his decision to fall in love with her.
Jantina Tammes
11/3/2017 10:38:58 am
“It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin. But the cursory glance my father had taken of my volume by no means assured me that he was acquainted with its contents; and I continued to read with the greatest avidity” (Shelley 34-35).
Hannah Longshore
11/5/2017 08:06:40 pm
I found this post interesting because it is a proven fact that what you learn from your childhood can greatly influence your future. Because Victor was so fascinated with science as a kid, he ended up using his earlier findings and using them as an adult. Frankenstein’s fascination with dead bodies and science as a kid my be the best reason for the monster he later creates. It is also interesting on how you speak of Mary Shelley and why you think she decided to share this in the novel. I also believe that Victor’s past for the love of science creates some insight on how things went wrong in his earlier life, and he therefore took the road he wanted throughout the rest of his life.
Katherine Marray Lyell
11/5/2017 08:49:34 pm
I like your idea of Victor's exposure to science at such a young age could have impacted the way he view human life and his determination to continue learning more about it. It seems to me that it all started after reading this science book. A boy his age shouldn't be reading "conflicting" science book; not because he is just child, but because he isn't ready for it. In my opinion, before learning about science, one should be mentally prepare because it could change how we view the world, humans, etc. I completely agree with this statement, " I believe it’s because of this simple moment that everything goes wrong from here". By simply reading a science book, Victor's development as a person was clearly impacted.
Ella Church Strobell
11/5/2017 09:00:54 pm
I also agree on the fact how the book influenced his later actions of creating the creature at an early age. It's amazing how one moment of his life foreshadowed the start of his odd yet dark path at such a young age. In my opinion, this is the most important event of the first chapters so far, given the information of his past to give an overall back story to determine how he ended up the way he is.
Mary Treat
11/5/2017 10:40:51 pm
This was definitely an important part of Frankenstein's life, with his motivation for toiling all those nights building his creation stemming from him having been exposed to the pseudoscience presented by long-dead philosophers. However, the scenes where he describes himself as being powerless to change fate due to him reading the book could be seen as Shelley herself stating her worldview to the reader. It is a pretty big component of his character, being one of the very first things we learn about him and based on how often he brings the subject up. A man of his intellect wouldn’t easily have kept that belief around unless he felt it was important, so Shelley could just trying to show how even the exceptional don’t truly have a handle in their own fate.
Z'Sofia Torma
11/26/2017 02:11:11 pm
I completely agree with the fact that the quote chosen truly shows the beginning of it all. Because of how abnormal Victor's outlooks and actions are, this starting point is truly essential to understanding the depth and complicatedness of his character. Upon first reading the beginning of the book my first reaction was just confusion. The fact that Victor found it necessary to do something so radical and frivolous was a complete mystery to me. This quote begins to shed light on why Victor created the creature.
Olga Fedchenko
11/3/2017 10:40:45 am
“No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself… My temper was sometimes violent, and my passions vehement; but by some law in my temperature they were turned, not towards childish pursuits, but to an eager desire to learn” (Shelley 33).
Thereza Dilwyn Llewelyn
11/5/2017 07:53:13 am
This is an interesting take. It is interesting the rapid tone changes that take place throughout the first four chapters. I wonder though, could these quick emotional changes also be a reference to Victor's intelligence, showing that he is one of the smartest people on Earth. I also think of God when I see the part about Victor's temper. Did God not, in an attempt to cure the world of evil, destroy all but a select few people. In the Old Testament he even killed the firstborn of every man in Egypt who did not put blood over their doorstep. I think this temper of his may be a sign of how he will play God and how he sees himself as Godlike.
Mary Treat
11/3/2017 08:54:43 pm
“It was thus that I was able to be taught to associate evil with their prosecution, happiness with their disregard. It was a strong effort of the spirit of good; but it was ineffectual. Destiny was too potent, and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction” (Shelley 37).
Jantina Tammes
11/5/2017 09:50:53 pm
I agree with you connecting Victor going back to his old ways and the input of Destiny. I never thought of it that way, that because he so strongly believed in Destiny and the workings of life & death that he so easily gave into his desires. I do think this is Mary Shelley speaking through the book hear, because maybe with her not having such a charmed life and having an affair with Percy, this is how she saw the world. "This is how it's meant to be so I can't fight it" sort of mentality, and I think it's really great that you brought that up. I find it intresting how Victor also wabts to focus on the more fanciful part of science, instead of his modern day findings.
Elizabeth Lomax
11/6/2017 07:00:02 am
I find it interesting how you stated that Frankenstein failed to break out of his “predetermined destiny” because I honestly hadn’t thought of it in this way. It is true that he did mention that his destiny was basically sealed since the beginning of his life, but in reading the chapters where he narrated details about his childhood, I assumed that he had been referring to his aspirations as his destiny, not his actions. When I read the part of your response mentioning how he eventually goes back to old teachings despite the fact that he tried to deviate from them, I realized that this characteristic was actually evident in Frankenstein and could potentially be a significant character quality in the book.
Hannah Longshore
11/3/2017 10:30:44 pm
“My departure was therefore fixed at any early date; but before the day resolved upon could arrive, the first misfortune of my life occurred—an omen, as it were, of my future misery. Elizabeth had caught the scarlet fever; her illness was severe, and she was in the greatest danger. During her illness many arguments had been urged to persuade my mother to refrain from attending upon her. She had at first yielded to our entreaties, but when she heard that the life of her favourite was menaced, she could no longer control her anxiety. She attended her sickbed; her watchful attentions triumphed over the malignity of the distemper—Elizabeth was saved, but the consequences of this imprudence were fatal to her preserver” (Shelley 38).
Jantine Tammes
11/5/2017 09:54:55 pm
I agree with you in the whole family aspect of this quote, and the foreshadowing of what might come in the future. Your analysis also got me to think that maybe Caroline's sacrificing herself for someone she loved and cared for could possibly mirror a decision Victor might have to make later with the creature. I think it's interesting how you brought up Victor/Elizabeth's relationship, because I think she might have a major role to play when it comes to him falling down a dark path in life. He frequently calls her a "light", so we'll see how she'll help him later on.
Elizabeth Lomax
11/6/2017 07:16:25 am
I strongly agree with your statement that Caroline’s death was a significant event in Frankenstein’s life, and it undoubtedly affected him in a powerful way. It’s interesting to note how, after Caroline’s death, Frankenstein becomes so absorbed in his work, almost as if doing so was a type of coping mechanism for him to get over his grief. As you said in your response, the death of his mother was not just simply a sad event taking place—it was almost like a psychological trigger for Frankenstein. He throws himself into his studies and becomes so obsessed with it that he also began to neglect other important aspects of his life, making his work his priority.
Olga Fedchenko
11/6/2017 10:29:19 am
I agree with the idea you have that Victor's mother's death was extremely symbolic and held undertones of many concepts, though I feel the strongest is the idea of predetermination being un-upheld. Victor always thought his mother would be there for a majority of his lifetime, and learning that she didn't probably was the beginning of his interest in why death occurred when, as well as how to prevent it. I feel Victor's take on her death was more of wonder as to why it occurred, rather than a realization of cherishing the ones we love.
Katherine Marray Lyell
11/3/2017 10:49:01 pm
"So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein-more, far more, will I achieve: treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation" (Shelley 42).
Thereza Dilwyn Llewelyn
11/5/2017 08:00:49 am
His fascination with the creation of life is very intriguing. It is a prime example of foreshadowing because this side of wanting to know how life is created shows that deep down he also wants to create life. It is interesting as well that he is using the pseudosciences to accomplish his goal rather than the actual, proven scientific method, but he is also a brilliant but different person, so it would make sense that he would follow a different path from the greats to achieve similar fame or infamy.
Elizabeth Lomax
11/4/2017 11:25:33 am
"Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow” (Shelley 47).
Ella Church Strobell
11/5/2017 09:58:33 pm
"My attention was fixed upon every object the most insupportable to the delicacy of the human feelings. I saw how the fine form of man was degraded and wasted; I beheld the corruption of death succeed to the blooming check of life; I paused, examining and analyzing all minutiae of causation, as exemplified in the change from life to death, and death to life." -(Shelley 46)
Mary Treat
11/5/2017 11:38:56 pm
This theme you noted of how too much of something can hurt rather than help in the long run also correlates with Frankenstein and his childhood as a whole, especially considering his relationship with his sister/how he goes about fulfilling his quest to uncover the secrets of the world he lives in. He loves his sister almost to a fault, considering that he cares for her beyond just a sibling (his words), which in that time was considered extremely taboo. Not to mention his love for discovering the answers to secrets driving him to read from grandiose tales spun from the imaginations of long-dead philosophers. He doesn't care at all about the ethics that come with creating new life, even going as far as to creating an abomination to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. This all definitely speaks volumes about his character, and the type of attitude his creation may be exposed to later in the book.
Z'Sofia Torma
11/26/2017 12:44:01 pm
“No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself… My temper was sometimes violent, and my passions vehement; but by some law in my temperature they were turned, not towards childish pursuits, but to an eager desire to learn” (Shelley 33). Comments are closed.
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