After having explored the concept of the Monomyth (or Hero's Journey), you are ready to begin independent application of the 12+ stages of the Monomyth to a work of your choice. Please do the following steps in a narrative form (paragraphs, not list):
PLEASE ADD WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH BLOG ENTRY! Primary Blog Entry Expectations (respond to the prompt above): 200-250 words, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. Secondary Blog Entry Expectations (read everyone's first responses, select two that interest you, and respond to their ideas): 100-150 words EACH, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. (3 total blog entries for this assignment)
3/6/2015 02:42:31 am
I picked the movie Tarzan, in the movie a boy’s parents are killed in a jungle and an ape finds him and takes him in as her own child. The character Tarzan goes through the monomyth cycle, his very first call to adventure would be when he wants to hang out with the other ape kids and they tell him he has to get a hair off of the tail of an elephant, Tarzan accepts the challenge and succeeds because he wants to blend in with everyone else even though he is human he wanted to prove that he can do anything they do. Tarzan along this journey to trying to blend in with the ape family had his ape mother Kala who always defended him and would always tell him that his is no different than the other children, she becomes almost like his mentor and one of his companions. The point in the movie where Tarzan had left his “usual” world when he meet Jane, and they started to teach him how to walk and talk and dress like a human and not an Ape, and even though his mother Kala had told him not to go he still continued because it interested him. Tarzan at first has many difficulties’ learning these things that Jane wants to teach him. In the process Tarzans Ape father had told him not to trust these people and they battled each other mentally because his father felt they were in trouble, but Tarzan is dazzled by Jane’s beauty until his family is captured by humans and almost shipped off in a boat but Tarzan wouldn’t let this happen so he comes up with a plan to escape and in the process his father gets hurt and even though they didn’t get along this broke Tarzans heart when he died but the family was passed down to him and he is reborn a stronger character because of this adventure
3/6/2015 02:53:51 am
3/6/2015 02:59:34 am
The movie that I chose was Annie because of what she went through at such an early age. Annie’s normal world consisted of living in an orphanage and doing chores that the woman in charge tells her to do. Someone comes to her at the orphanage willing to adopt and take care of her. The man who came to the orphanage came looking for a goal of carrying back a little girl for someone to adopt. She leaves the woman in charge of the orphanage that was really picky as to the way she likes everything done and she treated the kids in the orphanage terribly. She leaves the orphanage hoping for something better. The family that initially adopted her did not really love her because she was a girl.
3/6/2015 03:02:20 am
How I will relate to Platoon is by Abducted. In Abducted Chris had a major crush on this Woman named Rachel. Rachel was a werewolf, but Chris didn't know. They became more in love with each other the more times they spent together. Before they became in love Chris would somehow get himself in trouble, and then suddenly Rachel would appear and save him. But he had no clue it was her in disguised. He knew then that something was up with Rachel and wanted to find out what. He did research and found that she was a Werewolf but didn't care. They had many memories ups and downs but still remained loyal to one another. Time passed and Rachel became pregnant, the pregnancy was not so good. Chris thought she had a Werewolf inside her and wanted her to get rid of the baby because he was afraid that it might not come out as a human being. Rachel refused to abort their baby, which she thought that the baby would come out as a normal human being. Chris didn’t want to lose Rachel over "It". In time Chris can start to hear the baby's breathing in Rachel’s stomach and began to gain love. And he started having second thoughts about the baby. Rachel had to give birth, the birth was very complicated and her body couldn't take it. They saved the baby but not her.. In a way Rachel was sacrificing her life for the baby, and not consulting it with Chris. At the end of the story they all find peace because Rachel ends up awakening and became and alpha wolf .They all will never forget the sadness they felt, but also the strength they had to put up to deal with their surroundings
3/7/2015 01:45:57 pm
The movie abduction is very interesting and also relate to platoon, this is because, when both parent lost their daughter or when their daughter was kidnapped, they didn't stop searching for her, they kept on seeking for help and even gave a price to the person who can find the baby. The girl also grew up and became pregnant, she asked her mom about her birth certificate, the woman had many excuse for her and didn't want to tell her the truth. The girl finally saw her birth certificates which was forged by the woman , she found out what was going and finally got back to her real parent.
3/8/2015 10:47:44 am
The movie Abducted sounds very interesting. Although I never saw the movie personally I do see the Mono myth. Both Chris and Rachel were madly in love with each other. But Rachel was keeping a secret from Chris that could alter there relationship tremendously if he ever found out. The secret was that Rachel is a werewolf. Since she did not tell her the truth, he slowly took it upon himself to find out what was really up with her. Which took time but he eventually got her pregnant. This is similar to platoon because the is showing how Berlin and Elias realized there difference causing them find out the differences. In the end Rachel ends up sacrificing herself just like Elias was sacrificed by Berlin. There lives were ended up for the better and to prove a point that they are not evil or hurt another soul.
3/8/2015 01:59:59 pm
I haven't personaly seen the movie Abducted but it can be classified as a monomyth just by reading this comment I and replying too. Just by sacrificing your life can make you be a hero. Especially if it's your daughter. The mother didn't want to give up her daughter which caused the mother to lose her life because she couldn't take the pregnancy or the birth of the child. That part alone shows the Mono monomyth of part of the movie. I wish I had seen the movie so I can relate even more and give more of a description of how this movie can relate to the other movie Platoon.
3/8/2015 04:13:37 pm
I totally agree, i feel as if monomyth can truly relate to an action type here movie, Chris sacrifices a lot to figure out certain things in his life and to protect the people he loves. He shows that in order to save and be a true hero you must save the people in your life and be willing to understand some hard circumstance to get through.
3/6/2015 08:50:36 am
The movie that I chose related to platoon is " Taken", this movie is about a man named Bryan Mills and his only daughter. His daughter was kidnapped in Paris which made him face terrible situations but finally got her back. He was asked to pay a lot of money to release his daughter, Bryan never paid attention to what they want but rather traced them to find his daughter. He left to Paris with his wife to find his daughter. Many kidnappers died during this incident because the girl was well protected in a way that no body can find out where she is. The kidnappers finally Killed Bryan's wife and captured him into a small room and tortured him, but that didn't stop him from looking or searching for her daughter. He overcomes his struggle by killing most of the kidnappers and escaped from the room. He trained her daughter in many ways in other to be save. Bryan finally fined out where his daughter was and got her back. At the end of the story, he killed all the kidnappers and got his daughter back, but his wife died. In this movie, the main character learned that, anything can be possible through hard work.
3/8/2015 07:39:32 am
I can definitely agree with you about anything being possible through hard work. Not only through hard work, but you also have to actually desire it. It's the same thing adults tell us all the time especially our guidence counselors with college and graduation. If we want to be something or do something we have to set goals for ourselves, but we also have to want it enough to do all the work that is needed in order to get there. Also relatable to Platoon because all the soldiers were trying to get the job done and tried to manage the best they could knowing at any moment they could die. Especially King, who did what he had to do because he was determined to finally go home. Just like people in general who will put up with the rules or others in order to do their job.
3/8/2015 10:57:12 am
The movie "Taken" does relate to "Platoon" in the sense that both Bryan and Berlin did not want to see what was more important. Bryan did not see what his daughter really wanted while Berlin did not see what he was actually doing to innocent civilians. Berlin did not see that he was killing innocent people that didn't understand what he was there to do nor knew what he was looking to find out. He was being over protected of actually getting out of Vietnam alive rather than following the rule like Elias did. Elias treated the civilians with dignity and respect. His morals were far more civilized than Berlin.
3/8/2015 01:43:04 pm
I can agree that the movie Taken by Olivier Megaton was a great movie to compare to the movie Platoon by Oliver Stone because they both show a monomyth also known as a hero figure.
3/8/2015 01:46:26 pm
I can agree that the movie Taken by Olivier Megaton was a great movie to compare to the movie Platoon by Oliver Stone because they both show a monomyth also known as a hero figure. The main character in the movie Taken did go through some difficult obstacles to get his one and only daughter back from the Kiddnappers that took her from him. In Taken 1-3 he does stuff to be a hero and save his daughter. So picking this movie was really a good choice to compare with the movie Platoon as they both are monomyths in some type of way.
3/8/2015 04:33:37 pm
I can agree. Taken is meant to be a tail of a hero he's a father trying to save his daughter from sex slavery. Reminds me of "sold" but where was the hero then... the movie was good but it sucks that a hero like that only exist in movies. His daughter was put in a brothel but what about the other victims of sex slavery. I feel the movie was maybe made to raise awareness of the situation just sucks to know that kind of saving will only happen in movies.
3/6/2015 09:48:49 am
In the movie Far and Away, played by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, it tells about the live of these two people who are Irish immigrants seeking their fortune in 1890s America, eventually taking part in the Land Run of 1893. Joseph Donnelly played by Tom Cruise, family's house had been burned down by his landlord's men because of unpaid rent. So Joseph took it upon himself to revenge, attempts to kill the landlord. He gets to the landlord's house, planning to kill him, but he could not. Instead he meets with the landlord's duaghter, Shannon, played by Nicole Kidman, who has rebelled against family tradition and made plans to claim free land in America. Joseph likes the idea so both of them leave for America. In America, Joseph meets Mike Kelly, a leader of the Irish immigrant community, Kelly finds them a room and a job. Joseph then becomes a boxer, he becomes a regular at Kelly's Club. He losses a match which cost Boss Kelly hundreds of dollars, so both Joseph and Shannon are thrown out into the street. Now there are homeless so they enter a house, the owner returns to the house and chase them away, shooting Shannon in the back. Joseph takes Shannon back to her parents. They took came to America. Joseph finds a work laying track on a railroad, abandoning his dream of owning a land. He then abandons the railroad and joins a wagon train to Oklahoma just in time for the Land Run. In Oklahoma, he finds Shannon, professes his love for her and both of them claimed a land together. The main character learnt that, in order to get what you have planned for, you will need to go through some challenges to finally get what you wanted.
3/6/2015 12:22:20 pm
The story/ movie I can relate to "Platoon" would be themovie of the Cat and the Hat. In the beginning Sally and Conrad are home bored on a usual day while their mom goes to work and then the Cat shows up. His idea was for them to make it a fun and adventurous day, but Sally refused at first since she's the type of person to follow and go by what the rules are. Later on wjen they are having their fun they faced a couple challenges such as when they ruined their mom's dress in which she needed for that evening. There was the crate that led to a different "world" and it altered the house causing chaos. Finally when the their dog contained the lock of the crate attached to its collar but he had left wandering around making it difficult for Sally and Conrad to close the crate in time before the actual chaos began. For their return it would be when they are finally back home but the whole house is wrecked and they knew that their mother was going to be on her way soon. They were upset because they can only imagine how much trouble they were going to be in but eventually the Cat in the Hat comes around with a machine and him, along with the siblings and the things they worked together to repair everything to get the house looking new. I believe that the message that was supposed to be learned was that you can have as much fun as you'd like but there's and extent and along that comes consequences. The way this can be turned into a thesis statement would be by saying: Living life careless is sometimes not the best thing because you'll wnd up with multiple conflicts in the future that you may or may not have a way in solving. In the Cat in the Hat, Sally and Conrad enjoyed their fun but ended upset when everything was destroyed. It is in human nature for us to take the time to analyze certain choices we make and think throroughly of some consequences that may appear as well.
3/8/2015 08:04:49 am
The movie the “Cat and the Hat” has a crazy story. It seem like the ended or the lesson of the story can be easily change by how the kids care on what happen. Nobody wants to get in trouble, it’s a feeling that can make a person cry or regret what they did. People do stuff without thinking about what will happen after they do it. After it happens, they’re happy or regretting everything. It can even change that person like what happen to sally and Conrad. They we’re against each other but when they saw what mess they made, they work together to solve what the cat did. 110
3/8/2015 04:28:03 pm
I understand where you're coming from and I agree this can be a mono myth but who is the "wolf" the bad guy ? I understand people might commonly conceive it as the cat but was he really? In the end he helped and fixed the situation. Was it maybe just a tail of teaching them right ? But I do get what you are saying this isn't in any way a disagreement
3/6/2015 02:46:28 pm
This book, "Henderson the Rain King" by Saul Bellow is about a man, Eugene Henderson, who gets bored and finds no meaning to his life even though he has a family and wealthy. He decides to go to Africa for an adventure to find a wiser elder that can tell him the real meaning of life. This book follows the Hero's Journey stages because Henderson starts out as a regular man but realizes he can't life an enjoyable life. He sets of to Africa and finds his companion that brings him on his journey. He isn't hesitant because he figure there has to be a wise elder in the remotest place that can tell him the meaning of life, why he should live. His new guide, Romilayu, takes him to an old tribe called Arnewi. Here he is faced with the struggle that he knows nothing of their customs or rules and offends them by treating their cows , which are more sacred than family, badly. He meets their elderly queen and begins to be accepted when he messes things up by accidentally contaminating the cows' water with frogs. He gets kicked out and along the way they meet King Dahfu and becomes his best friend then Henderson is offered or rather selected to be the new king. There he has no choice but to accept but has to go through life or death encounters with a lion along with King Dahfu. When King Dahfu dies he realises the meaning of love, a real friendship. When he returns home he has a complete different view of things and return with a lion cub his reincarnated King Dahfu because he said hw would never abandon his best friend. The author is stating that one needs to explore and encounter new life events to appreciate life better.
3/8/2015 03:08:30 pm
I can definitely agree with you about people having to experience new life events in order to appreciate life. For example in Platoon, Taylor didn't really know what he was in for. At first he was the shy, and paranoid guy until the scene of his "rebirth". As the movie progresses he becomes more confident. In the end he said “But be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life" which shows that it is necessary to go through some obstacles or experiences you would have never thought of to see yourself in. In Taylor's circumstance he knew he could have died any moment which is probably the reason he said that last line because he knows that the future is never promised so you have to appreciate every moment you're still breathing.
3/6/2015 03:04:25 pm
The movie I choose to compare to "Platoon" would be white house down. John cale was an ex army soldier who was now working to protect the speaker of The house. He then applies and tries to get a job with the presidential secret service. After getting denied the job his daughter who is highly into politics and the president was told other wise he lied to impress his daughter. Then he suprise her with tickets to what they thought would be a regular tour of the white house. During the tour men disguised as janitors blow up the Capitol building and force the white house to go on lock down. After the bad guys rush in the round up all the tourists includin John and his daughter and leave them in a room in and in an act of Valor John cale reaches for a gun and opens fire to the enemies. He then meets the president who John cale must now protect with his life because he is the leader of the country. So know he is forced to get the president to safety but little do they know that it is an inside job and it would be a tough task to sneak around. In the end John cale gets the president his daughter and other hostages to safety. In that moment he is assigned a job in the secret service.
3/8/2015 12:29:04 pm
This was a movie I really like. And would like to see it over and over again. I never thought it could relate to the hero's journey but you make it relate to it perfectly. I agree with what you have written.
3/8/2015 02:51:19 pm
I definitely could relate to this movie because, it’s like the analogy of being sheep, sheepdog, and a wolf. The president is the sheep, and the sheepdog is the protector of the president taking out the terrorist disguised as janitors who are the wolves. To me, since the military is my path, and I run that line of protection for many of my buddies I feel as though I can relate. I really can’t see how the movie can relate to the movie, “ the platoon”, besides brotherhood, and being the protector
3/8/2015 04:54:46 pm
Right, john is another a great example for someone who does sacrifices even if it results in them losing their life. John wasnt even supposed to be there at the moment, but he happened to be and had to put on his heroic cap and go to bat with people who was trying to harm people he loves, he nearly almost loses his life, but ends up in the rebirthing stage and saving everyone and transforms into the gifts of goddess, then returns to his regular life.
3/6/2015 03:54:17 pm
The show Scandal relates to the mono-myth, Olivia Pope whom is a Crisis Manager for her own firm and for the United States of America. Whenever Olivia gets client she goes head to toe to defuse their situation. Olivia is known for her sacrifices for her country and for the people she loves. She gets called to adventure into two ways, for an example she gets a client who is in some type of crisis, she mentors them into finding ways to find other options, then help them cope with their issues. Her and her crew transform the crisis into justice, while returning back to her office knowing she is a hero. Olivia is gladiator, She is a boss, she doesn't not baby sit any one nor does she submit for anyone, she is the only person i believe can fit this monomyth to its full potential. Olivia Pope is known for saving people, and due to her saving people its puts her life in jeopardy. Olivia gets kidnapped, where she is kept in a abandoned warehouse. Her being held there,forced the president to be to go into war with west Angola, Olivia eventually attempts to escape leaving one dead and one injured, leaving her still captivated, she comes up with a clue to her kidnappers to allow herself to be sold to the highest bidder. In all of this, her gladiators must find a way to rescue her. Which they do, or should i say one of her old gladiators. Stephen who was a gladiator gets called to this adventure, when he see that olivia is being sold on an auction. He accepts the challenge and buys Olivia for almost 2.2 billion dollars, flying her out back to Washington where she is rebirthing and transforming back into her gladiator ways.
3/6/2015 03:55:05 pm
3/8/2015 01:36:27 pm
The movie I choose to compare with the movie "Platoon" is "The Lion King" by Jonathan Roberts. The reason I chose the The Lion King to compare with Platoon is because they both are monomyths. A monomyth is a cyclical journey or quest undertaken by a mythical hero. Both movies shows monomyths throughout the film. For example, a monomyth that was found in Platoon was that there where soldiers fighting a war for the United States to save their country from other countries trying to take over. This shows a monomyth because the soldiers that were fighting for thier country are heros. In the film The Lion King also shows a monomyth because Simba's evil uncle try's to kill Simba and his father. His uncle only got to kill one of the two and that was Simba's father Mufasa. Simba was still a young Lion that only had a father figure to watch over him. But now he has died so Simba has to run away from his town. If he didn't run away his evil uncle would have found a way to kill Simba. When Simba ran away he finds two friends in the jungle. He starts to adapt to the jungle life and realize it's time to man up and be like his father. He goes through some hard times manning up but he overcomes them hard times. Then Simba goes back to his home town after he has fully developed to show his uncle that he can be a king just like his father. This shows a monomyth because when Simba went back to his hometown as an adult now, everyone looked up to him as a hero because he's the new king which his father was the old kind since he died. (Word count: 290) 😈
3/8/2015 04:17:07 pm
she said not to use the lion king, but u clearly weren't listening..
3/8/2015 02:35:13 pm
For my movie I chose, “The Incredible Hulk”. Reason being is that the traditional story follows a debilitated scientist who seems normal to society. But then when he’s exposed by a fight or flight sequence of events, he comes out green, mean, and nasty, and turns into this menacing hulk of a monster. The scientist is following his normal daily life until he runs into his biological father, and is pushed into a world of rage. The father comes out to tell him that killing his mother was an accident, and that the real mistake was his son. The father goes to him to fix it once more, and the scientist, “Bruce Benner” is force to show what is inside him that has been lurking inside him since he was born. The hulk, or Bruce benner kills his father, falls in love with a girl who worked with him as a scientist. He now has to flee the clutches of the US Government due to the menacing hulk inside of him that they want to make a weapon out of. The story pretty much ends like that, with the scientist living like a fugitive for the rest of life, and fleeing the clutches of the government. word count: 205 Comments are closed.
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