![]() Just as Chris and the platoon are divided between Elias and Barnes, viewers also feel somewhat divided. You feel compelled to side with Elias because he is jaded and righteous and seems to care about his men, but you can't help but admire Barnes' hardiness, his determination to win the war and ability to survive. After our class discussion about allegory, the Christ figure and Machiavelli, as well as the inability of humans to be purely good or evil, you understand that this is a decision that is not as easy as one might hope. Imagine that you are a soldier in this platoon. Who do you follow, Sgt. Barnes or Sgt. Elias? Take into consideration all factors: survival, morality, reality of the war environment, psychological effects of the war, constant extreme stress, and any other factors that would affect your decision. Explain your decision in a thoughtful and well supported blog entry. PLEASE ADD WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH BLOG ENTRY! Primary Blog Entry Expectations (respond to the prompt above): 200-250 words, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. Secondary Blog Entry Expectations (read everyone's first responses, select two that interest you, and respond to their ideas): 100-150 words EACH, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. (3 total blog entries for this assignment) ![]() Now that you have read the short story "war" and watched the short film adaptation, please answer the three following questions: 1. How would you characterize the ending of this story… a realization, a denouement, or an epiphany? Denouement - after the climax, a gentle restoration of relationships prior to the events in the story Realization - where a character becomes aware of a reality in his or her life Epiphany - a sudden, sharp realization, an awareness of a desire that can never be fulfilled, or "reality" Explain your answer and describe its effect on the characters' different levels of denial. (100-150 words) 2. What desires motivate the fat traveler? Explain. Are these in conflict? (100-150 words) 3. Why is the atmosphere of the overnight train appropriate? (100-150) ![]() Primary Blog Entry: As you watch the film, "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas," consider all the different ways the humans subconsciously and consciously invoke denial as a coping mechanism/survival tactic. Select two or three topics (single words) in which denial often occurs. List them, briefly define each topic, and explain how and why denial is so often found in the experience of each topic. ADD WORD COUNT AT END OF BLOG ENTRY! Secondary Blog Entry: After you have posted your Primary Blog Entry, please read ALL of your colleagues' entries. Select two that interest you and respond to them in Secondary Blog Entries. You may agree or disagree and explain why, provide further examples and evidence, or offer an alternative way of addressing the topic. ADD WORD COUNT AT END OF BLOG ENTRY! Primary Blog Entry Expectations (respond to the prompt above): 200-250 words, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. Secondary Blog Entry Expectations (read everyone's first responses, select two that interest you, and respond to their ideas): 100-150 words EACH, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. (3 total blog entries for this assignment) Falling Into the State and Awaking to Die: Randall Jarrell's "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner"3/4/2014
![]() After reading and annotating Jarrell's poem, The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner," please consider the following question: What does the imagery of the last line suggest about the speaker's attitude toward death? Please post your response here, using your assigned Student Number (contact me if you forget it). Your response should: 1. use the poems' title and author's name 2. answer the prompt 3. use a properly cited quote from the poem to support your ideas (hint: better quotes aren't just the last line) 4. be between 100-150 words (hint: type response on Word Doc and the Copy/Paste into submission box) This blog response is due by 11:59 pm tonight. |
Blog Requirements*your blog must clearly relate to the prompt.
*connect to at least one aspect of the reading. *show thinking that extends beyond simple summarization. Blog RubricWant to see how you will be assessed? Please click the link below. Archives
February 2025