![]() Now that you have read and analyzed Owen's poem, supplementing your understanding by viewing video clips and discussing, please take a moment to reflect on Owen's argument regarding war. Then answer the following prompts: 1. What is his argument and how does he use his poem to prove his argument? Please be sure to use multiple line references (3+ references) to support your analysis> 2. Once you have thoroughly explained Owen's argument regarding war, please compose a thoughtful response either refuting and supporting his stance. In your Primary Blog Entry, you should respond to the questions above in a single entry. Your Secondary Blog Entry should respond to two of your colleagues' entries that are especially interesting to you. Part One Expectations (respond to the prompt above): 200-250 words, 2 quotes from the novel, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class PLEASE FINISH BY FRIDAY NIGHT! Part Two Expectations (read everyone's first responses, select two that interest you, and respond to their ideas): 100-150 words EACH, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. FINISH BY SUNDAY NIGHT!
3/13/2015 03:42:05 am
Owen's argument was him trying to explain how the solider back then in the war used mustard gas to kill most solders. I think that Owen was trying to say that he didn’t agree with what they were doing. In the article he said “GAS! GAS! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, But someone still was yelling out and stumbling.” Meaning that when someone threw the gas one of them wasn’t able to get a mask on. He’s trying to go into deep details on how the war really is. He really means that entering the war is not a peaceful and going to be a beautiful place because it’s not. Its either you live or you don’t and that’s the truth about entering the war. While the commercials have solders and making look like a cool place. Although it is but he’s trying to make a wakeup call to people and say you can die. It’s a lot of work and dedication you’re risking your life, for other people. I do agree with Owen, there’s a lot of people who think that it’s just cool to enter the war and just goo in not expecting what’s going to happen. They should show real live videos to people who want to enter the war so that they can make a real life choice. Don’t fool the people to think it a beautiful place. 240
3/13/2015 03:53:21 am
In the poem “Dulce Et Decorum Est” the author Wilfred Owens argument basically saying that the terror of gas warfare horrified its victims. In the poem he proves his argument by acknowledging the truth of what the war was really like with the mustard gas. He lets people know that fighting war may be a good thing by helping out your country but, the aftermath while you are there is not as exciting as you thought it would be. He talks about how the victims reacted to the gas by describing their actions. For example, in the text it says, “Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge” which describes what their reaction after they encountered the mustard gas with no protection (Owen, Paragraph 1). When the mustard gas is released it looks as if the soldiers are “under a green sea” and they are drowning because the mustard gas basically drowns your lungs with bodily fluids and blood just like how you would drown if you were under water (Owen, Paragraph 2). Owen talks about a guy who forced himself on to him while he was choking and drowning looking for some help but, Owen could not do anything for him eventually put the guy in the back of the wagon and he “watch the white eyes writhing in his face” (Owen, Paragraph 4). In conclusion, Owen is basically using all of these visuals to say that you do not go into war looking to just be “honored” but, go in to war prepared for the reality of it. It is not all fun and games and it can really mess up your mental state of mind.
3/15/2015 06:32:54 am
Right, that was the main terror and I believe the main point of the poem. The mustar md gas. This then comes in when they say fighting for you country makes you feel good about yourself, and that your defeating a threat to the USA but after all that you have to deal with the trauma and regret from all of that.. Simple
3/13/2015 03:58:32 am
His argument is that people idolize war as this great thing to go into. That dying for your country is such a great honor. Also that it will be the best fun and young people should want to be on the battlefield instead of home where you are seen as a dishonor. He argues that it is not a good idea for the government to try and recruit young people by lying and making their perspective of war how they perceive it. The young people haven't started their lives yet they were only out of high school some even still in high school. I see that as terminating the human race because if all the young people die, they wont reproduce. There were too many young lives being lost as it was so why recruit more ?
3/15/2015 03:44:12 pm
I agree with you on the idea that the author's argument is that they are writing about how people think that war is such a great thing to go into and don't actually know the realities of it. However, I believe that if they told people about what really happens during war then not as many people would want to join and the country needed soldiers.
3/13/2015 04:00:39 am
Owen’s argument is that “Dulce et Decorum Est” is not the reality of it all. War is violence it’s deathe it’s pain it’s suffering. “Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!” Is a shout of fear this is an example of what’s going on in the war not how sweet it is to die for your country. This is false propaganda, war is nothing like what your hear to get you to recruit and join. When it comes to situations of war all they want is to get you to join the war. His argument is that war isn’t what it seems, it’s not as justified as the saying. I do agree with the argument, although I am pro war. Being that I wanted to enlists in the armed forces. I can’t completely disagree with the saying. But I understand that war is nothing sweet to die for, losing your life for a country that won’t acknowledge your sacrifice. War is just a common misconception and is nothing fun or sweet.
3/15/2015 01:05:14 pm
In a way you're contradicting yourself. If war is a misconception then why do people like you still want to participate? Just like you said you're losing your life to a country that may not acknowledge your sacrifice. I do agree that it is false propoganda the way going to war in advertised. I believe that more people like Owen should continue to show the reality of being in war; not to scare people but to have them be fully well aware of what they would be getting themselves into. It's like shouldn't you be dying peacefully as well? Instead of dying brutally like how he describes "froth-corrupted lungs" then goes on saying "incurable sores on innocent tongues" which can be implied that people shouldn't be dying this way in order to be remembered.
3/13/2015 04:01:15 am
The author’s argument to the poem is to not glamorize war. Due to the hardships and adversity that is spoken about in the poem, the author wants to make the point of war being hell. “You would not tell with such high zest To children who are ardent for some desperate glory.” He describes war as, “Like a devil’s sick of sin.” This is a meaning of how horrific war is on the troops, dealing with the sadistic things that the enemies will do to them. Being tired and trudging is one thing that would be an understatement to describe these men, and what they’re going through. The author describes the troops as, “Drunk with fatigue.” To me this is putting it mildly, to put this into reality, they are dead sh** tired! In the end I guess he is trying to say that kids that are looking to serve their country, and don’t need to hear the bold hearted truth on the reality of war. So the author uses the innocent as an example to prove his point. “You would not tell with such high zest To children who are ardent for some desperate glory.”
3/15/2015 02:52:08 pm
I totally agree with you. This poems primary purpose was to educate the young children who were so eager to go to war. He wanted to make sure that they knew what they were getting themselves into at such an early age. He wants them to know what it is really like over there. He lets them know that they will be very tired, but still have to be alert of their surroundings. Basically what you said is totally true and it will allow the children to make wiser decisions based upon the knowledge they now have on the topic.
3/13/2015 04:02:08 am
The poem “dulce et decorum est” was A true poem and only gave the true details of war. Wilfred Owen wrote this poem about World War 1 and was arguing that people don’t see war for what it truly is. He described war as a terrible and violent time where young people were killed off and had to suffer through terrifying experiences. He describes how some died of a inhumane gas called mustard gas. He said “but someone still was yelling out and stumbling and floundering like a man in fire or lime”. This was what he heard when the gas hit a young man who had not put on his gas mask in time drowning and suffering, waiting to die. He also said “ if in smothering dreams, you too could pace behind the wagon we flung him in, and watch the white eyes writhing in his face, his hanging face, like a devils sick of sin”. This line proves how terrible war was. To see a fellow soldier dead in front of you trying to get his body back him to his family. Wilfred owen told the truth and it gave true images of what happened during war and how these volunteers were nothing but heroes. word count = 208
3/13/2015 04:30:13 am
The poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen is about the way that the war was being presented to the people to convince them to join. Owen is basically talking about how he believes it’s wrong to put this false glorifying image in these young men’s’ heads. In the poem “Who’s for the Game?” by Jessie Pope, it hypes the men up to join the war by sugar-coating and not being one hundred percent honest about what can really happen in war. “Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time” this quote from Owens poem is an example of how if you aren’t fast enough, if something goes wrong, you can basically lose your life in the blink of an eye. That you can die in the war faster than you think. “He plunges at me, guttering, choking, and drowning.” Owen uses this great imagery to actually show what it is like, that this is what you see around you when you’re in the war and that, that person could be you. “My friend, you would not tell with such zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.” In this quote he answers to the other author Pope and tells him that he shouldn’t be selling the war in this way. That the war should be looked at from a realistic prospective and that these men deserve to understand what they are getting into. I agree with Owen because it isn’t fair to portray this positive image about the war, because war is a serious and dangerous place to be.
3/13/2015 06:42:54 am
Owen would argue that it is not honorable or sweet to die for one’s country. Even though he’s trying to be honest, he rather not tell lies to people of what happened in the war. And not to pretend it's glorious to die in it.but what Owen’s trying to say is that he explains how the solders suffer a terrible death as they go through choking, being breathless, being poisoned and being fatigued. The sentence “many lost their boots, but limped on, blood-shot. All went lame, all blind.” Talks about how tired the soldiers were in the war and some can’t continue on with all this killing.
3/13/2015 06:54:05 am
Owens argument in his poem is that war is not pretty so it should not be shown or told like it is. He’s not telling people not to join because he joined and they do need help. But he does want them to go in to war or thought of war with their eyes open to what really goes on and not the thought that put out into the world to make you want to join. you have to see not just the good but the bad too.in his poem he says “ in all my dreams before my helpless sight ,he plunges at me , guttering,choking,drowning” meaning he can’t get the things horrible things he sees in war out of his head it stays with him . Also he says “if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs”. Which also his prove his argument because was is not pretty and in war you will see tons of blood spilled. I do agree completely with Owens argument because you can’t be closed minded, naïve to war cause it would take by surprise when you join thinking you’re not going to see all this violent killing or harm to the people of your country. But you are truly mistaken because you will this is the cost of fight for your country.
3/15/2015 03:51:33 pm
I agree with you when you said that people need to have their eyes open to what's really going on. When entering war you have to participate in a lot of dangerous acts and see a lot of things that many aren't built for. When joining the war you should know about what's going on but still I think that its a lot to mentally prepare for and will stop a lot of people from going which could be a problem.
3/16/2015 01:01:48 am
I agree with you because us as young adults reading this make us open our eyes way more about war and what other countries can do to attack their enemies. Reading this poem makes me not want to even look at war the way how Owen described it. He made it seem like it is a peaceful scenery but it really isn't in the real world. War can be and is very dangerous other than the mustard gas Owen was talking about in his poem "Dulce et Decorum Est". Soldiers go through hard work everyday to survive and fight foe their country and protect innocent humans.
3/13/2015 10:34:01 am
Owens argument in the poem Dulce et Decorum Est means that, he didn't take the war as aomething funny or as a game. He wanted people to be realistic about the war because it was very dangerous and also harmful. This is because many people didn't survive it, and he wants people to understand the severity of the war. In other ways I can say that his life revolves around the war which makes it very important to him. " coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, still on haunting flares we turned our backs". This means that, being a soldier takes a big sacrifice and dedication to go through. "Many lost their boots, but limped on, blood-shod". This tells as how the war went on or happend to the soldiers. I agree with Owen because people dont know what it takes or happen in ways till they found out.
3/15/2015 03:01:56 pm
I 100% agree with you. Owen allows the young kids to see what war is really about. He does not lie to them and make them think that joining the war is a piece a cake because I'm reality it was a very tough time in the war. The young kids that going into the war was an honorable act but they had little informs on what it was really like there. They didn't know anything about the chemical weapons or that the soldiers walk bare feet until they got blood shots in there foot. The had no idea as to what was going. So this poem was made to give knowledge to the young children some knowledge.
3/16/2015 04:13:50 pm
I agree with you when you say he wanted people to be realistic about the war because it’s very dangerous and also harmful. Now that I think about it deeply it makes a lot of sense. Some individuals that have never experienced war assume that it’s all fun and games and you are guaranteed to keep your life. Those people don't know the half of it. Unfortunately Wilfred Owen has experienced war at firsthand and he knows its not fun and games nor are you promised your life. It can be very hurtful and dangerous and you can die from the inhalation of mustard gas we learned. Which isn’t the way people want to die because its probably not a very pleasant feeling.
3/13/2015 10:57:33 am
The poem Dulce et Decorum Est, by Wilfred Owen tells about events that happened in World War I. The agruement of this poem is the use of mustard gas during World War I. The effects it had on the victims; it does not only kill the person but that individual dies a painful and slowly death. Also tells that, War is not what the young naive adults thinks of what war is. It is an honor to fight for your country, but those who go to war are not ready or prepared for the events or what will happen in the war. "To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori". Some people are passionate to fight for their country, so they will stop whatever they are doing to join the war but when they get in the war their passion is turned into violence.
3/15/2015 08:08:59 am
I agree with you, dude. It’s unfortunate, though, that the basic truth of war is so sad and horrifying. People should know about it. Sending people into war blind like that is disturbing and just plain messed up.
3/15/2015 03:12:11 pm
I agree with you because, the war did not only kill people but also individual died in a painful or slowly death, thus means that the war caused many damage to people's life due to the weapon used.
3/15/2015 04:46:57 pm
I agree that people even in general will desire something so much and that's pretty much their goal. People in war want to fight for their country and also want to be remembered for the work he's invested in to protect his country. It also reminds of the story we read in class. How each of the family memebers were trying to brag about their sons being remembered and then the fat man was the one trying to think on the bright side until the lady asked him that "silly" question which makes anyone think that the only people to remember you and what you did would be your family memebers. So its as if to say is it really worth going into war if your legacy is only going to be remembered by a few people?
3/16/2015 01:08:59 am
You are 100% with this whole argument. I say this because fighting for your country is something not many people would do. Defending your country is something very serious and nothing to play around with. The death rates in war probably are in the high range of soldiers dying each day during a war. In this poem was the first time I ever heard of mustard gas. The effect it has on people is interesting but very dangerous. It kills slowly but that person feels the pain as the gas hit them. I hope for the people in the future who goes to war are prepared for the fight of their life. It's not an easy job to just go to war and fight. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all time.
3/16/2015 04:27:19 pm
I strongly agree with you when you say “War is not what the young naive adults thinks of what war is. It is an honor to fight for your country, but those who go to war are not ready or prepared for the events or what will happen in the war”. Young men that plan on enrolling into army don’t sign up expecting to die. They’re signing up to be that heroic figure. Unfortunately no matter what there’s always going to be an uphill battle. And that uphill battle is that these young men end up not signing up for what they expected. They expected to be an heroic figure reality they are the main victims of the mustards gas and as we know can be a very slow and painful death.
3/13/2015 02:33:56 pm
In owen's poem Dulce et Decorum est, the authors argument and purpose was to show the real horrors of war, and the extreme dangers of mustard gas as warfare. The war was something to truly be afraid of. It was not a game to be played or something to be taken lightly. All these men saw was death walking. Men were so beat up and tired that they could barely keep moving. In his poem the author says, "In all my dreams before my helpless sight, he plunges at me. Guttering, choking, drowning." The affects of war were coming into play. Men saw what the war was doing to each of their fellow members. If it wasn't themselves, it was someone else who was going through a certain torture. These men were tired and completely distraught from their experiences; yet they did their very best to keep moving forward. "Many lost their boots but limped on, bloodshod." This shows how the soldiers were able to push themselves despite the harsh conditions they were placed under. This war was horrifying. They witnessed their men lose their lives to this lethal gas that stripped them of life slowly and painfully; and that is probably the most painful and disturbing thing they had to go through. In the text the author says, "...Coughing like hags, we cursed through the sludge." Their air was contaminated with this deathly warfare that infiltrated their lungs and would soon kill them. Even though they were experiencing didficulty of breathing and living for that matter, they kept it pushing. War is not at all what it was made out to be. People died, and in ways you would never imagine. Not only did they experience the pain from losing their friends, but the pain of dying right along with them if they wee exposed to the mustard has. They died a slow and painful death; one they were not at all prepared to encounter.
3/13/2015 02:39:33 pm
Owen’s argument is that war is very horrible and people shouldn’t lie and say that it’s so great and awesome to die for your country when really it’s really terrifying and violent. In the poem he says how the “Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots but limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.” It described how the men were going into this war not happy and proud but tired and blind to what was going to happen. “Behind the wagon that we flung him in, and the white eyes writhing in his face, his hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin; if you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs”, this shows how unpleasant and disturbing it is to really die for our country. In the end of the poem, Owen says how “Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori” is a false and not something you should say about war when it is the complete opposite.
3/15/2015 06:04:28 am
I feel the same, is cruel to tell lies and give people a false image of how easy and amazing war is. When really it is full of horrible deaths and injuries.
3/15/2015 07:13:13 am
I also agree with Owen. Not telling the truth about what really going to happen, lying so they can hide the truth about the war so they can gain members. Even though this happen in the past, it makes me question if I can truly trust the army, military in today’s present time. Today with computers, it’s easy to just look up the things people say and see if it’s true or not; but not everyone has the ability to do so. If they really have to lie to those who wanted to join and become a soldier since they were little then that’s they choice. As time goes on, it will backfire and they will lose all those who trusted them.122
3/13/2015 04:33:29 pm
Owen's arguement is that war is not what its supposed to be or how some people make it seem.For example, he applies the saying "Dulce et Decorum Est" meaning sweet and fitting it is to die for one's country. This is the interpretationpeople believe about the "benefits" in being in war, but its wrong. Owen supports tgis arguement in his poem by detailing the negative events that occur. He starts off his poem by saying "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks" already showing the imagry of how exhausted the men were already at this point. It's as if to say there isn't any hope for what is yet to happen. Then he continues and says "In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning" showing how graphic it was watching one of his men die the way he did. Especially considering the fact that the "Mustard Gas" really destroyed a person from their insides out like he described " from the froth-corrupted lungs." Then when he says "To children ardent for some desperate glory" which self explains how people in general desire to achieve something and in this case is to win glory from fighting in the battles. I would agree with his arguement because it's like we've seen in certain movies involving war, when the young guys are so excited to be going because they want to do what's right for our country without knowing the actual dangers that can come from war. People get false interpretations, but many do have different perspectives from what they experience.
3/15/2015 07:33:43 am
War, most people should be 100% sure what they’re getting themselves into. There’s a high chance of dying, and a lower chance of surviving. There are those who join cause they have nowhere else to go, and there are those who all their life, was waiting to join. War is part of life; life has choices that people have to make and it can make your life better or worse. It all depends if that person really cares or not but if you’re making a decision that can change your future then it has to be thought out carefully and with no regret. 104
3/13/2015 04:37:03 pm
In this poem, Written by Wilfred Owen. He has an argument that shows that the army ISNT what people thinks it is and how war Really is. In this quote "Gas! GAS! Quick, boys! - An ecstasy of fumbling" This shows how they would talk to them men, symbolizing fear. In this next quote, it symbolizes how they can seem to them as a dream "if in some smothering dreams, you too could pace behind the wagon that we flung him in" it shows how they treated them men.. The dead bodies were just flung around with no respect. The next two quotes sums everything up "incurable sores on innocent tongues" and "the old lie" the first one is symbolic because of the mustard gas the killed majority of the soldiers, most of them Innocent, and the old lie which shows how the war Is an old lie, the use much to recruit to show how much the war isn't what them seem, which is why I agree with him, because he shows anger of all these men deaths, and how the put them in the war thinking everything is ok.
3/15/2015 08:14:01 am
I find it disgusting how war is. The poem shows such a real harsh reality to what it really is. You're right when you say they put the soldiers into war as if everything is gonna be okay when it's not and that just gives me goosebumps to imagine that young men went into that war expecting just that. Its crazy.
3/15/2015 02:15:05 pm
It is very true that people who are willing to get involved in any war do not know the truth of it and what they are getting into and Owen's poem tells the truth of what war is really like.
3/13/2015 04:55:53 pm
Wilfred created a poem called “Dulce et Decorum Est”. It provides a tangible look at the horrors of the First World War. Owen’s argument is about what they been told about the war, being all great and awesome, It’s not what it seems. It’s not the truth, dying this way is different than dying like a true hero/soldier. “He plunges at me, guttering, coking, drowning”, words that a soldier would not expect to die from. Soldiers would know that they will die from a bullet or a bomb but this is something they did not learn about. Their faces should show the pride they have for fighting for their country but it’s different. “His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin”. Soldier know that they would have to kill the enemy cause that’s the job of a soldier. Even if they don’t really know the person that they’re killing, they still feel regret. All they have done and the longer they do it, seem to build up inside where it can be notice on the outside. “floundering like a man in fire or lime” most we think that they would die fast and painless but this will kill you slowly and painfully. Owen argument, I argue with it. My decision would have been different if I know all the things that would happen to me if I join the war. Would have I been pride? Yes but I would have lost my goal or what I felt before. 250
3/15/2015 06:29:16 am
I agree, the war does that so they can recruit people into something that doesn't play out to what it is when they get there. And that's where a lot of men's frustration and anger come from, they know they are fighting to defeat the enemy but they know that a lot of the men they are fighting & killing are just as innocent as them.
3/15/2015 02:03:45 pm
I agree with you. It is true that this poem provides the true horror of World War I, what happened in the war and the life of the soldier during the war. That war is not what the young man who want to join seems like, but war is a different thing.
3/13/2015 04:58:50 pm
Owen's argument is that war shouldn't be described as something harmless and wonderful to young boys but described by its truth , by the innocent lives it takes and the bodies it damages. He shows this in lines, 5-7, "Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
3/15/2015 05:10:58 am
3/15/2015 06:08:20 am
3/16/2015 12:52:44 am
In my opinion Owen's argument for war isn't the same opinion I have towards the it. War is a dangerous place where people from different countries fight for their country. Many people lose lives during war and family's can't see loved ones anymore after death. Owen on the other hand describes war differently from me. For instance, he describes it as something harmless and a good thing for young people who are really into going to war to fight for their country. In the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen he explains how people from the other countries throw some type mustard gas to kill the other side. How can you describe something as peaceful but have death in it too. Death isn't something people want to happen to them. in the poem "Dulce et Decorum", Owen say “He plunges at me, guttering, coking, drowning”, words that a soldier would not expect to die from". Reading that part of the poem made me really think if this man is crazy or is it just me. Those words have nothing to do with being peaceful or have a calm setting. If Owen described the setting with more peaceful words for war then I can see where he coming from.
3/16/2015 12:53:29 am
word count: 210
3/17/2015 12:53:17 am
Owen’s argument in the poem Dulce et Decorum Est is that people should be more real about what they are getting into when they go to war. Some live, and some would die in a unbelievable way and won’t return. Owen wants us to think about those who do not come back and die for sacrificing their own lives to save them from other threats that have plans to take on our nation. Owen also wants us to visualize and hear gurgling sounds of blood in the lungs as though someone were dying of cancer, sores on the tongues of innocent men, and other horrible things in the throat that is very vile. I believe Owen’s argument because the war is a very dangerous place that you shouldn’t be in. Those who are joining to fight in the war should at least be told the truth about what the war is like, so that they can experience what is like being in a place where you put your life on the line. you never know what could happen in the war so its better if you are warned before you sign up to do something Comments are closed.
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