![]() Written in the TONE that your pen name persona would use, introduce yourself and give a good description of what you look like. Get creative! You should identify your genus and species, your habitat, what you eat in order to help people learn about who you are. Finally, find a weird or interesting fact to add some depth to your character. Have fun!
Wonderpus Photogenicus
2/3/2025 09:42:45 am
Ah, greetings, curious observer! I am Wunderpus photogenicus, a name as marvelous as my appearance. With my long, slender arms and striking patterns of rust-red and white bands, I am a vision of elegance beneath the waves. My domain? The sandy, mucky seafloors of the Indo-Pacific, where I glide and burrow with effortless grace. I am a master of disguise, shifting my colors and shapes to outwit both predator and prey. And speaking of prey, crustaceans and small fish beware! With a swift strike of my clever arms, I make a most delightful meal of them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have vanishing acts to perform.
Blue-Footed Boobie
2/3/2025 09:43:59 am
You sound cool!
2/4/2025 07:50:06 am
Is there a difference between breathing in the water? is there a different scent, taste? last time I tried to breathe in water I nearly drowned!
Wild Cat
2/4/2025 08:03:07 am
Hi my name is WildCat, I have a greyish-yellow type of color with black spots. I usually live in the forest but sometimes I can be found in the wooded grassland or the savannah. I am NOT a vegan, I like to eat small mammals, birds, lizards, amphibians, and insects.
2/3/2025 09:47:22 am
Hi my name is Osprey, I am brown above and white below, and overall they am whiter than most raptors. From below, my wings are mostly white with a prominent dark patch at the wrists. My head is white with a broad brown stripe through the eye. Juveniles have white spots on the back and buffy shading on my chest. I am part of the pandion genus,my habitat is shallow water where fish are plentiful. They often built nests on small islands or structures over bodies of water that are difficult for predators to get to. My species I have 4 different subspecies.
2/4/2025 07:39:47 am
Which Osprey are you?
Mustela Erminea / Stoat
2/4/2025 07:54:43 am
I think you look cool!!!
2/3/2025 09:50:02 am
Hey my name is MuGGer you can call me MuG for short.I live in Pakistan were there is freshwater,lake or river.I'm a medium-sized crocodilian, but has the broadest snout among living crocodiles.I also have a powerful tail and webbed feet.but to be hostent I'm lazy and hate when people weak me up from my sleep.
Honey Badger
2/4/2025 07:38:21 am
You're very cool, I wonder if we've ever met in person.
2/4/2025 07:44:08 am
I think we have
2/4/2025 07:38:55 am
Do they steal hence the name MuGGer?
2/4/2025 07:44:47 am
No why would I do that
2/4/2025 07:43:56 am
How many mugs, does one Mugger own? I had lost 20 mugs in the past 5 months! I wonder where they went...
Rock Hyrax
2/3/2025 09:50:53 am
WAWA! I am Procavia Capensis, also known as the Rock Hyrax, also also known as the WAWA/MAMA animal. I am a furry animal that is 12-23 inches long, 8-12 inches tall and 4-13 pounds. People say I look like a large guinea pig. You can find me in the rocks, hence the name "rock" Hyrax. My closest relatives are the elephants and manatees, despite me looking like neither of them. I like to eat a lot of grass, but I also eat lizards and bird eggs, so don't call out to your MAMA if you see me. Fun fact: Everyone loves me. I am super popular for yelling WAWA whenever I'm on camera.
Arabian Leopard
2/4/2025 07:46:17 am
I could eat you
Mustela Erminea / Stoat
2/4/2025 07:50:45 am
So cute!!! Wawa!! ♡(ミ ^ ᵕ ﻌ ᵕ ^ ミ)ノ
2/3/2025 09:51:09 am
I am very small the size of a hand, I have big eyes where you can't see my pupils, I have medium size ears fit for my head, I have like paw hands with 5 fingers, I live in a forest habitat and can climb trees and I eat bugs like spiders, beetles, termites.
Honey Badger
2/4/2025 07:39:02 am
You sound very cool !
Persian leopard
2/4/2025 07:53:32 am
your eyes are very....nice
Arabian Leopard
2/3/2025 09:54:54 am
I am small and pale yellow with black spot , I am also a predominantly nocturnal.
African Wildcat
2/4/2025 07:48:20 am
You sound tired
killer whale
2/4/2025 10:20:06 pm
why is it only one sentence long?
2/3/2025 09:55:34 am
I'm a creature that crawls on all four with fur that covers my body in order to assist me in my endeavors, may that be hunting and feasting, or staying alive from other predators that may be roaming the wild. I have sharp claws that assist me in killing my prey, stopping them from struggling. I am a part of the Mellivora genus, and my species is Mellivora Capensis. I live mainly in dry areas but are also found in forests and grasslands.Their skin is at least 6 millimetres thick
Persian leopard
2/4/2025 07:50:52 am
wow you sound pretty cool
Wild Cat
2/4/2025 08:04:42 am
There's a gun in cod named Honey badger
Mustela Erminea / Stoat
2/3/2025 09:56:50 am
Hello! I am a Stoat!! I am as long as a large gummy worm, with an orange-creamsicle color as distinct as no other! I am fluffy and have a black-tipped tail, kind of like a Raccoon! I'm also tiny and very active.. like a very energetic baby kitten!! (^・ω・^c) I am very smart also, so don't underestimate me.. and I'm clever!! I don't like big spaces tho.. especially when it's empty /ᐠ –ꞈ –ᐟ\ .... I think it's better to be in an area where there is a ton of things you can hide in - like grass!! Did you also know that whenever it becomes suuuper cold, my fur becomes SNOWY WHITE!! Isn't that so cool?!?! The only things that doesn't change is my tail, since I'd still have a black-tipped tail!! =^・ェ・^=
2/4/2025 07:38:15 am
I love the way this was written.
Rock Hyrax
2/4/2025 07:39:11 am
So cute!! I love the little black tip on the tail
African Wildcat
2/4/2025 07:48:12 am
You sound like a very energetic person
Mustela Erminea / Stoat
2/4/2025 07:53:02 am
I am!!! I'm like an energetic dog / kitty!!! (≧▽≦)/
Persian leopard
2/3/2025 02:03:20 pm
Hello little ones I guess you really only want to know about me since you are reading this....what would the other reason be? I am a Persian leopard yes leopard I have beauty these other little hairballs wish they could have. No one has ever even thought of crossing or stepping up to me and I like to keep it that way these others are weak while I am the total opposite but you know that already just but looking at me. I carry myself very proudly and I hope that you would do the same, just not around me.
2/4/2025 07:37:57 am
what other animals are part of this family?
Pine Marten /Martes martes
2/3/2025 06:16:19 pm
Hi my name is Pine Marten or Martes martes
Proboscis monkey
2/4/2025 07:38:49 am
what is your favorite mammal to eat?
Proboscis monkey
2/4/2025 07:36:45 am
I am a long-nosed monkey with an unusually large nose, a reddish-brown skin color and a long tail. I am found mostly in mangrove forests
Pine Marten /Martes martes
2/4/2025 08:05:15 am
Did you know that mangroves are tropical plants that are adapted to loose, wet soils, salt water and being periodically submerged by tides.
African Wildcat
2/4/2025 07:37:17 am
Ah,hello peasants. I am a African Wildcat also known as a Felis Lybica a amazing name I know.With my beautiful tail and condescending look I'm one you that is not liked because of my power, With my coat being a tan color and my paws being stripped we are the definition of blending in.Im a Felis Lybica.Im a carnivore meaning that I would eat any meat.A fact about me is I'm quite fast running at 50 mph.
Rock Hyrax
2/4/2025 07:40:52 am
So fancy!!
Pine Marten /Martes martes
2/4/2025 07:58:12 am
what food do you like to eat
killer whale
2/4/2025 07:46:45 am
hey weirdos, I'm a killer whale. I'm 26 feet long. I'm mostly black with white undersides and I have white patches near my eyes. I'm an orcinus and my species is an orca. I chomp on seals, fish, sea birds and squid. my fun fact is I will live up to 80 years old...so watch your feet.
Wild Cat
2/4/2025 08:05:52 am
what's your favorite food?
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