The images in the slideshow above are reminiscent of some of the characters and locations in Part 1 of A Thousand Splendid Suns. In chapters 1-10, we learn quite a bit about Mariam's childhood and her entry into adulthood. Nana says the following to her daughter, Mariam: “Women like us. We endure. It’s all we have.” Select three distinct passages from Chapters 1 through 10 in Part 1 that show how this sentiment informs Mariam’s life and how it relates to the larger themes of the novel.
11/20/2020 02:01:23 pm
In the first ten chapters of A Thousand Splendid Suns we have already seen time, and time again where Nana was right about her just having to endure through it all. One instance in particular was only right after she learned her mother was right all along “ The rope dropping from a high branch. Nana dangling at the end of it” (Hosseini 36). At only just fifteen years old she had seen her mother had killed herself. Right after that moment she was forced to go back and endure another unbearable pain. She must go to live with her father, who she just found out was tricking her just as Nana had said. “ Except for when she had to use the bathroom down the hall, Mariam stayed in the room” (Hosseini 40). Mariam had to sleep in the house before she so badly wanted to be in, but hated so much now after she learned the truth. She was not able to leave and go anywhere to get away from it though. Soon after that she was rushed out of the house into a forced marriage with a man in his forties to fifties. “‘You have a suitor’” (Hosseini 46). Right after she was going through so much she was forced straight away into a marriage she had no opinion in. She had to endure so much just as her mother said to her in such a short amount of time.
11/20/2020 04:33:45 pm
I totally agree with you on this Benesh I believed that nana was telling the truth all along.
12/8/2020 08:55:32 am
i agree and disagree with you because jalil could have been telling a little truth
12/11/2020 09:56:54 am
I agree with you because at the time Mariam would just think that all things that Nna said about Jalil was out of anger and wasn’t true so it would just go in through one ear and out the other. But after seeing her own mother hang herself from a tree because of her actions completely broke her and now she was forced to go to the place where she so desperately wanted to be in the past but never now never wanted to set eyes on again.
11/20/2020 04:18:04 pm
Fate can be cruel for some people in this world wouldn't you agree ? In chapter 3, Nana tells Mariam that the only things we women can do is to endure, well I have a question, if nana said that the only things for we women can do is to endure, then what is Mariam supposed to endure?. When Nana said this, it gave her memories of the hardship she faced when she was a housemaid in jalil house. In chapter 7 of a thousand splendid suns, we can see that Miriam who was fifteen years old, lost her mother due to suicide, has to marry someone who she doesn't even know and worse he is forty or forty five years old. The reason why she was forced into marriage because of the shame and burden it will give to jalil. Miriam says that they only did this to correct jalil mistakes.
11/22/2020 08:39:27 pm
In a thousand splendid suns the phrase nana says to Mariam "women like us", "we endure" Mariam experienced this throughout chapters one through ten for example in one chapter she went to visit her dad since he didn't show up to take her out and he let her sleep outside on the floor instead of letting her in his home which led to her mother committed suicide she had to live with that and change her life accordingly leading to in another chapter her living with her dad and his wives and her "sibling" and them arranging for her to become married to a very much older man so she can get out of their house and they don't have to deal with her anymore she then in a next chapter has to become more of a woman and complete wife duties so throughout the chapters it clearly shows nana's "advice" that us woman endure because we have to and becoming an adult not just woman but Mariam in general is going through a tough introduction to adult hood and how it is and feels to have to become a woman and complete wifely duties at a young age.
11/23/2020 11:54:46 pm
I agree that it is so horrible that she has to deal with so much trauma all at the young age of 15. She was forced into having to make decisions as if she was an adult right after her mother died. The only thing she can do it listen to her new husband who will not just let her get away with everything as if she was a kid. She can only endure these problems and keep moving on.
11/28/2020 10:08:04 pm
I agree with you Araboo, But I do think th Maturity started when Mariam left Nana. She was exposed to a whole new world she was convinced was harsh and not as welcoming. Especially with the fact that she say=t outside of her fathers house all night long by herself and got on a bike with a complete and total stranger. ut again we must remember Part one takes place in the 1900's and in the middle east being alone at night isn't safe..
12/1/2020 04:31:42 pm
I agree 100% no kid at that age should have to endure that it is not right
12/4/2020 08:50:17 am
I feel you've fully developed an understanding of the chapters and reciprocated that quite well.
12/11/2020 10:05:07 am
I don't think that Jalil not letting Mariam sleep inside of his home had anything to do with Nana committing suicide. Whether Jalil let her inside the house or not Nana had already had the intent to kill herself just for the fact that Mariam left to go see him in the first place. But yes, I agree that the fact that Mariam left to go see Jalil that day had a very heavy impact on her life in the coming years.
11/22/2020 10:44:55 pm
In the novel A thousand Splendid Suns Mariam goes through a lot of challenging things already. Her mom isn't a happy person and she's always talking down to mariam. Three situations where Mariam shows that all women do is endure is one when Mariam walked all the way to her fathers house just for him to disown her and let her sleep outside . Another example is when MAriam expressed to her mom that she wanted to go to real school and her mom gave her all the reasons why she shouldn’t go to school and telling her it was pointless.the third example is when MAriam’s father married her off to this middle aged man after her mother’s death.
11/23/2020 09:17:45 am
I agree with afsoon because Mariam is facing a lot of hardships right now. She lost her mother, cant go to school because people in the school might call her a bastard and she is marrying a man who is a lot older than she is. Her father jalil, is also a parasite to Mariam because he only brings pain to Mariam emotionally like agreeing to let Miriam marry Rasheed. Life can be cruel, but you just have to endure all the pain.
11/23/2020 01:49:00 pm
i agree with this because it shows all the pain they had to go through and nana was telling the whole truth the whole time because she had experienced what mariam had gone through
12/2/2020 11:16:06 am
i agree nana made mariam thoughts of how life is from the start horrible.
11/23/2020 11:59:11 pm
I agree that Mariam had problems starting from the beginning and she could not do anything about it. She was born into a huge mess of problems created by other people, and she shouldn’t be a part of it. She was so young when she was forced to go back to her dad after she found out about all of his wrong doings, and he doesn’t even try to fix the problem he just cast her out of his life like nothing happened.
12/4/2020 08:52:42 am
I do feel like as a teenager whos been protected her entire life Mariam somewhat ignoring what was said by NaNa
12/1/2020 04:33:29 pm
I agree with this Nana was trying to tell Mariam but she was too young to realize she was telling the truth
12/2/2020 11:16:51 am
As mariam got older and got married she realized her mother was right but is not happy about it.
11/23/2020 01:47:01 pm
In a thousand splendid suns the phrase nana says to Mariam "women like us", "we endure" is showed when mariam has been warned about jalil for the start of the book when jalil tells a lie about how mariam was born. then she goes on about her birthday and was never able to see her father because now she realized he is not who she thought he was. she realized she was not important at all to him all the suffering her and her mom have to go through is why nana said this. she is talking from experiencs
11/28/2020 10:13:54 pm
I agree that Nana and Mariam have a lot in common but one difference is that Mariam was sheltered and hidden by both of her parents. With Mariam being held to this high standard because her parents are ashamed of her she ends up being more curious where as her mother who is juts plain mad. So Nana is indirectly talking about experience in a way, she had not wished to visit her siblings or see her extended family, she didn't care much that she was hidden away.she is just miserable and insecure.
12/3/2020 08:36:27 am
i agree with illiyee, it's like she doesn't even know who her father really is everything he was doing for her was like a show and everything he tells her is lies
11/28/2020 09:47:44 pm
In the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns Mariam's mother Nana says "Women like us. We endure. Its all we have" Throughout the story Mariams hardships slowly exemplify Nanas quote. Nana and Mariam were both neglected my their fathers and were looked at by the public as burdens, and being that Nana wants to protect Mariam. And because of this quote it unravels a whole truth through the novel. " Nana said that one of these days he'd miss"(Hosseini 21). Referring to Nana, Mariam's father is just as much as a neglect and imposing Mariam will figure it out sooner or later. "Nana told her what husbands did to their wives"(Hosseini 49). Mariam had stepped into a whole new world and her getting married to Rasheed was just the beginning. Mariam cooked and cleaned for Rasheem for validation. "...Mariam Nodded"(Hosseini 70). All of the customs Mariam knows of were washed down the drain at the expense of Rasheed's satisfaction. Must be painful for Mariam but It must've been the enduring Nana was referring to all along.
11/28/2020 09:53:26 pm
Word count 176
12/4/2020 09:01:20 am
to be honest now mariam has to live the rest of her life knowing that the reason her mom died was because she left her
12/1/2020 04:23:21 pm
In the beginning of A Thousand Splendid Suns Nana mentions the words “women like us, we endure”. When she refers to women like us I can confidently say that she means unwealthy women with the limited rights that they have. Nana was right when she said this because when she was growing up she had it rough growing up. Nana's mom died when she was two years old, and her father wasn't really around. So she had to endure all of the bad throughout her life all the way from the death of her mom to the father of her daughter leaving. Nana attempts to tell Mariam that they must endure it but Mariam isn't so sure about that but when she comes back from being rejected by her own father she starts to realise that Nana was right, but it was too late for Mariam to realise. Mariam saw Nana hang herself right after she gets rejected from her own father and she starts to realise what Nana was saying when she said ‘ Women like us, we endure”.
12/4/2020 08:48:05 am
Nana said that "women like us, we endure" showing that there has been challenges and will be more, Being a single mother and having a child at such a young age and not the way that you would like would lead you to having this thought through out your life. She often complains that men are apart of the problem and make things worst and harder for them. Even being left to live in a little mud house my her baby father but realizes she has to do this not only for her but for her daughter. Nana is not a very upbeat women and is actually very bitter but even after being disowned by her own father has fought through life to get here now.
12/4/2020 08:56:22 am
i agree with you complety because the men in her life lied and used her
12/8/2020 09:10:21 am
i agree with you 100% because i said something similar to how nana had overcome tough challenges.
12/4/2020 08:52:19 am
In a thousand splendid suns the phrase nana says to Mariam "women like us", "we endure" is shown a lot throughout chapters 1-10 for example mariam was tricked almost all her life thinking that jalil actually wanted her as a daughter but in reality he was embarrenced and mariam found this out the hard way once she decided to walk down to his house just to be left outside all day and night while jalil was present in the house. Another pain she had to endure was losing her mother at 15 because she decided to leave her and not only that but she was the only one that really cared for her and kept it real. My final reason is that right after those two things happened jalil had the nerve to sell her off to marriage with a power hungry man she had to bare with verbal abuse. ( word count: 152)
12/8/2020 09:12:02 am
i agree with you because it is true that mariam was tricked her whole life
12/8/2020 09:08:35 am
In the novel 1000 splendid suns, i truly believe that in the text when nana told mariam that women like us, we endure, i think that she meant that even tough they are not in the best living conditions, they can still be okay. Another reason i believe is because jalil was always telling lies to nana and she jut had to fight through. I believe that in this noel there is so much evidence and support/ reasoning to show ad explain on why nana said this and i believe that these are some important reasons why. Also in the novel, mariam was tricked for most of her life thinking that jalil wanted her as a daughter when in reality this was not true. Comments are closed.
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