![]() Prompt: Think about the items that you carry in your bag (backpack, purse, fanny-pack, man-bag, etc.). Choose two items and explain why you have chosen to "hump" these items wherever you go. What is the tangible and intangible element of each item and why? Then think and write about what these items say about you. Primary Blog Post: 2 Full Paragraphs (200-250 words - use at least one MLA cited quote from the short story to compare with your own experience). Secondary Blog Post: 1 Full Paragraph (100-150 words) X 2 (one each for two classmates). *please note: you must use your assigned "pen name" for this assignment (both primary blog entry and secondary blog entries). If you forget, you may use a word of your own choosing (appropriate!), but you MUST contact me to let me know who you are so that I may give you credit. Anonymity is important to this process. -Primary Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of the day (Friday 2-6-2015 at 11:59 pm) will be scored. -Secondary Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of the weekend (Sunday 2-8-2015 at 11:59 pm) will be scored.
2/6/2015 02:41:28 am
The two most important things in my purse would be phone and my headphones. I choose to carry around these two things because I always use them. My phone allows me to stay in contact with my family and friends whom are not with me every moment of the day. My cousins who I used to live in the same house with are always updating me with what they are doing and I do the same. My headphones allow me to block out people and things that I do not want to hear. For example, when someone is bothering me, arguing with me, or I just want to clear my mind I can just put my ears buds in and ignore everything that I do not want to listen to.
2/8/2015 11:42:27 am
I totally relate with the headphone, it allow me also to block out people who speak too much or talk about unnecessary stuffs that do not concern me. It allows me to be in my own space with no interference or disturbance which allows me to be free
2/8/2015 03:55:54 pm
I would have to agree completely with these two items. I would definitely use my phone to keep in contact with my loved ones. My phone is my entire life I guess I could say. It holds my pictures, notes, music and everything & anything I may need through he day. It is an extremely helpful resource when it comes to doing some research, if just simply when I'm bored. Most importantly my music is what keeps me going through the day; so my headphones would also be an extremely useful asset.
2/9/2015 08:22:43 am
I do not use a purse, and if I did that will be interesting since I’m a dude. I use my headphones to reduce noises from my surrounding or to listen to music. If I don’t want other people to hear what I’m listening to then I put my headphones on. If I get a private video that I can’t let anyone else to know about then I will use them. My phone is the source of my music and how I contact other people like my friends or family and to watch videos. My mood depends if I’m going to use my phone more, for example if I don’t want to talk to anyone then I won’t do it.
3/2/2015 04:44:13 pm
I would have to agree with you about both items but especially the headphones. Sometimes, especially in war, people need an escape from reality and my escape is music. When I listen to music I not only can accomplish anything but also with focus because there is no distraction and because it allows me to escape the stress and cruelty of war.
2/6/2015 02:53:46 am
The two most important things in my purse would be phone and my headphones. I choose to carry around these two things because I always use them. My phone allows me to stay in contact with my family and friends who are not with me every moment of the day. My cousins whom I used to live in the same house with are always updating me with what they are doing and I do the same. My headphones allow me to block out people and things that I do not want to hear. For example, when someone is bothering me, arguing with me, or I just want to clear my mind I can just put my ears buds in and ignore everything that I do not want to listen to.
2/8/2015 04:20:44 am
I can certainly agree with you about the headphones. Before I only used mine whenever someone in my family annoyed the crap out of me which was every now and then. Lately I just put them on listen to music and block everyone and everything out because there is only so much you can take until you've become tired of speaking about whats wrong and insisting on things to get fixed. Having my headphones on gets me away from wanting to think about anything.
2/8/2015 02:01:28 pm
I agree with you about the headphones. Whenever I go somewhere I always bring my headphones especially on the bus to and from school. When you don't want to be bothered with people all you have to do is pop them in and vibe to your music. Nobody can bother you.
2/11/2015 03:07:40 am
I could definitely relate to having headphones in my backpack because they could help you get through some stuff that other things can’t help with. For example, when you are really in your thoughts and need to get over them, music from your headphones can be a way to help overcome them thoughts. Also, when you don’t want to be bothered with no one, you can always put your headphones in to block out others and then you could do your own thing without people trying to talk to you. Music helps by blocking others and getting over things you can’t really get over that easily.
3/2/2015 04:32:21 pm
I agree to what youre saying about with having headphones. They are crucial to everyday life. It does help to overcome many things. Having the music blast through gives a piece of mind to me. It would help to organize my thoughts and help to get things done. I agree one hundred percent with headphones is useful to block people out. When you've gone in a mood that doesnt want to be bothered by anyone it is shown.
2/6/2015 03:28:35 am
The two most important items I carry in my backpack are hand sanitizer and health snacks to keep me healthy. This is an everyday thing for me to carry in my backpack. I use my hand sanitizer after every class because you don’t know what the other student before you were in class had. For example someone could’ve had a cold and coughed all over the desk and you would never know because you can’t see germs. So If I use my hand sanitizer I will help myself by not getting sick from germs that was left behind. I bring snacks in my backpack because sometimes I get hungry during the school day and some day’s lunch feel like it’s too far away. So I pack different types of snacks so I could be straight until lunch. One thing I carry intangible is my grandma in my thoughts since she passed away. Whenever I feel down I think about her and my day kind of get better.
2/8/2015 06:33:39 am
Deff! A lot of people sneeze and cough everywhere without covering there mouth. I can relate to the hand sanitizer because a lot of germs spread everywhere and it is nice to know that your hands are always sanitized. & lunch is far away for no type of reason which is why I bring snacks also. There are also other things that I think about that makes my day better when it's not going swell.
2/8/2015 03:54:30 pm
They’re germs everywhere, as in bacteria but not all of them are bad. There’s so much more bacteria then human cells inside the average human body. Most of them help us in our daily lives. It’s good to kill bacteria that can kill us and cause us problems but they can also help us in a way. Using a hand sanitizer kills 99.99% of the germs but also the good ones too. If the human body never fights of an attack from a germ then it will never learn from it. Once it defeats that germ then it will know what to do when it attacks again. If the immune system is never used then it’s going to become weaker and it will fail to an attack that is stronger.
2/25/2015 05:17:39 am
i could relate the backpack one on this one,i use the backback for items that I keep for eternity until its destroyed.im sure you keep items that you like so much
2/6/2015 09:06:14 am
Most often i try my best to carry a reading material wherever i go to read if i find a free time and always carry my phone in my backpack. These things are very important to me. I choose to carry the book because my mom is always on me to read more which will make me know new stuffs in life.u Reading also kind of prepare my brain for anything i do during the day. I also carry my phone to keep in contact with my friends and family, not to miss out on any news. In the text, it says; "The things they carried were largely determined by necessity". Carrying these two things makes me complete and full for the day.
3/2/2015 01:53:37 pm
I agree I also try my best to carry a reading material because I love to read where ever I go. And reading does indeed make you smarter. My mom as well talks about how important reading is. She says that to be the greatest at something you have to read. And my phone is used for the same reasons so that I can keep in contact with my family and they can know that I am safe at all times i would say having those two things in my life somewhat makes me complete.
2/6/2015 09:51:17 am
Carrying my purse is part of my daily life in school and almost everywhere I go,the most tangible things I carry in my purse is my photo ID and a picture of my grand mom, these two items means a lot to me because its shows who I am and who I really cherish in my life. Keeping my photo ID on me every day helps a lot because it identifies me and also tells more about me. The picture of my grand mom also motivates and encourage me in many ways especially facing challenges and other obstacles in life. She always tells me not to give up in anything I do but to try my possible best and to be strong and courageous. Her words had great impact on me and whenever I see her picture, it makes me feel strong.
2/8/2015 03:28:22 pm
I agree with this 100% my Id is a crucial part to my everyday just being that if something was to happen people may know who I am. An Id should be something everyone carries because it is your identity after all. Also to be honest my grandmother is the most important thing to me carrying a picture of her means the world to me she's not around me geographically that picture would just be reassuring and to be honest that would be the most important thing that one picture. Once again I agree to the fullest extent
2/8/2015 11:54:40 pm
I agree on the picture with your grandma. My grandma is also one of the most influential person in my life because she is the one who taught me how to write, my abc's, and how to count. Her biggest dream for all of her grandkids was to go to school a become something that you are proud of. I believe that she goes so hard on us because back in her country the girls usually didn't go to school for that long and they usually just become a housewife.
2/11/2015 03:15:04 am
If I was a female I would totally agree with carrying a purse in my backpack or anywhere I go. In your purse females carry important information that matters to them. For instance, they might have paperwork that’s important, credit card, or an identification card. For me being a male, I can also relate to this because males carry around a wallet that carry’s about the same information females carry that’s very important. Also with both the wallet and purse you can’t carry memorable items in them such as pictures. This could be important because if you really cared for someone and had a picture of them in your wallet/purse you would be able to carry them wherever you go.
2/6/2015 11:05:20 am
The two things I carry in my bag is my iPod and my makeup. I choose to "hump" these things because my iPod gives me the music I need to be at ease and not deal with people and my makeup to fix my face. It shows how I have bad self esteem and don't like to interact with many people since I choose music over socializing, haha.
2/8/2015 04:33:37 am
:/ I don't think you need makeup to fix your face. Makeup is more of a way of bringing out more of the beauty you already have, allowing it to stand out. But I can relate to you because I myself kind of have a low self esteem even when I get told nice things from my friends or others. When it comes down to certain situations I just feel like i'm never good enough.
3/2/2015 02:00:15 pm
I totally understand where you’re coming from when you say that listening to music helps you ease your mind and get a break from people. To me music is the best stress reliever in the entire world and when you’ve had a long day at work or school. If you go home take a shower chill out and listen to music it will most definitely ease and relax your mind. And make you feel a thousand times better. I don’t really agree with you when you state that it shows that you have a bad self-esteem. It doesn’t show that, it shows that you’re tired and just need a break from everything that’s going on
2/6/2015 12:17:27 pm
2/8/2015 11:50:34 am
I agree with the paper. It's uses are numerous during a day. It can be used as a writing material wherever you go, to write down important ideas or thinking as you go through the day. To write down anything you see which seems important to you in order not to forget.
2/8/2015 03:41:38 pm
I agree with you about keeping messages and pictures, I do the same. I like to go through some pictures and just observe every detail of the person's face and just think of the memories attached. I also love rereading messages to feel the moment of happiness.
2/8/2015 03:58:46 pm
This I would also agree with. Paper can be used to write down any thoughts or lose memories you may have in your head. Paper can be used to express yourself where words out loud can't seem to. You can just simply write it all down and let the world see your thoughts that way. There's no need to explain; but just simply let it all out with some ink.
Student #6
2/6/2015 02:23:06 pm
Two items that I carry around with me in my bag is my phone and lip-gloss/lipstick. I carry my phone because it is necessary in order to keep in contact with people. I think the intangible element that comes along with me relating to my phone is the idea of wanting to talk to somebody consistently to help my day go bye. Also the reason that I carry the lip-gloss/lipstick is because I like to look nice and presentable. An underlying intangible element relating to this is maybe I can be a little bit self-conscious.
2/8/2015 12:14:28 pm
bringing lipstick/lipgloss, in my opinion is such a necessity! :3 i find your reason to be another reason why carry makeup with me.
2/9/2015 12:05:13 am
I agree on the phone with you. My phone allows me to stay in contact with my family and friends who are not with me every moment of the day. My cousins whom I used to live in the same house with are always updating me with what they are doing and I do the same. But, I also believe that it comforts us allowing us to talk to someone all day. It does make our days go by faster but look at everything else you're missing out on if you're not picking your head up off of your phone.
2/6/2015 02:49:12 pm
Two things that I carry the most in my book bag are my phone and paper. These are the thing I choose to “hump” beside me. My phone is a piece of me “it depends”, it has information about me and my life. I use it when I’m bored, when no one’s around to talk to. It keeps me from boredom and it has memories. “Almost everyone humped photographs. In his wallet, Lieutenant Cross carried two photographs of Martha”. Everyone who has taken a picture, selfie, it has value to that person. The photo can be about a love one, an event with friends or even something that when you look at it, it brings you in a state of joy.
2/6/2015 03:09:59 pm
One item that is tangible and I carry with me everywhere I go is cologne.
2/8/2015 12:20:04 pm
how you are with your cologne is similar to how i am with my ipod when it comes to being comfortable. also if it was stolen or lost i would cry hahaha!
2/8/2015 02:06:15 pm
I agree with you about the cologne except mines is perfume. I love the way it smells and other people do too. It's important to smell good but more importantly it's important to have good hygiene as well. It only says that you care about yourself in which you should.
2/8/2015 03:35:14 pm
I can relate to the rock you have, i have this stuffed animal in my room I always look at before leaving and just soak in the images that run through my head and that makes me feel better throughout the day.
2/7/2015 12:10:54 pm
Two things that are always in my bag is my phone charger and my house keys. I choose to keep these things on me wherever I go because they are both so very important. What’s tangible about my phone charger is when I plug it into my phone and feel the vibration of it being charged. After a while of it being on the charger I can see a black apple appearing on my screen which indicates that my phone is turning on. What’s tangible about my house keys is the feeling I get from forcing the small keys into the door. Twisting my wrist along with the door to allow me access inside of my home.
2/7/2015 12:11:42 pm
Two things that are always in my bag is my phone charger and my house keys. I choose to keep these things on me wherever I go because they are both so very important. What’s tangible about my phone charger is when I plug it into my phone and feel the vibration of it being charged. After a while of it being on the charger I can see a black apple appearing on my screen which indicates that my phone is turning on. What’s tangible about my house keys is the feeling I get from forcing the small keys into the door. Twisting my wrist along with the door to allow me access inside of my home.
2/8/2015 01:26:14 am
The things that I carry that are tangible are my phone and my earings. These things may seem to be just things an ordinary female has but to me they are special. My earrings mean something to me, they have memories, bad and good. They were given to me at the time my best friend but now he is my boyfriend. At the time I had so many issues at home and I had alot of sadness. I remember we went to the mall like we always did because he helped me escape from being with my mom and step dad. So we went to the mall and he as always tried everything to make me happy, everything to win my heart. When we went out we always talked about my problems and why I would be with him and why I was with a bad person. I always made excuses or lies and always hurt him. Even though all the bad I did to him he stayed, insistent to win me over, to finally make his dreams come true, to finally scream to the world that I was his girlfriend. These earrings remind me of the monster I was and the person I've become. They are special, I carry love, regret, fear, and hope. My phone may just seem normal to everyone, something adolescents can't live without but to me it's something else. It was given to me by the same best friend, he did everything to give me what I wanted, he used the last of what he had in his wallet to give me this phone. But the only reason I wanted this phone was to talk to some guy I was dating at the time. All I did was hurt him and walk all over him, I was a monster. Even if this thing is just a simple phone that, as it seems, everyone has, mine reminds me everyday of such bad memories, I carry regret, pain, and guilt.
2/8/2015 06:43:21 am
OOP! So sorry to hear! but maybe instead of beating urself up about it you should put it in the past. Or maybe if you're havung trouble putting that in the past maybe you should chat to your boyfriend about it! but there is so much more 2 life then carrying pain and guilt! & U transforming into a "monster" to the person u are today should motivate you more to drop some of the baggage you carry.
2/8/2015 02:02:25 pm
I relate to the hand sanitizer because as we write, walk, speak or sit, there is germs every where and we carry them with as, so it's very advisable to carry sanitizer with as everywhere we go.
2/8/2015 03:41:02 pm
This is my the second blog post. To be honest I can't really say I agree to the majority of these post most of them seemed to be revolved around materialism. I for one while I do find my phone crucial i can go without it. And another I'm not a guy to carry lipstick neither lol. But at the end of the day if we're talking what would be important tangible and intangible it'll be my identification and anything of resemblance or relation to my family. At the end of the day if I'm gonna "hump" anything knowing my life is in jeopardy, knowing that my family can be one person smaller I would want them close to me. I didn't by any means want to seem sentimental but I for one am not materialistic.
2/9/2015 12:56:06 pm
In my backpack I carry my mobile phone, and always something to drink. For me, my mobile phone is the door to the world. Without it, I’m only talking to whoever is in front of me. The water or beverage that I always carry to me is my “will”. What I mean by that is, when you are on your last strand of keeping yourself in a civil manner, your water is the hope for you to keep on. Just take that brief sip, and you may have bought yourself a few more periods to keep on going. For others, this might be different but it works for me.
3/2/2015 04:21:03 pm
I agree with what you're saying. The mobile phone is an important part of my world. It always unlocks new things that ive discovered each day. Along with having some kind of beverage is great. With each step towards my goal is like a battle and with that brief sip it could help give me strength. It would keep me going to the next stage within life.
2/25/2015 05:12:54 am
The two items that I chose to hump (pause) is my key necklace and a small traveling backpack that I take whenever I go because the keys that I get from one person shows my friendship with them, even if I don’t ever see them again but their always with me.my small traveling backpack allows me to have my items and its way better than a purse because purse are most likely to get stolen and its valuable. The tangible element of my traveling backpack is my money, phone, I pad and bag of clothes or food. Those items gave me a good feeling whenever I lose everything. I may lose my home but I’ll never lose the backpack.
3/2/2015 11:49:47 am
If I had to choose 2 items to carry it’ll be my ID and pictures of loved ones maybe a collage. I feel that i would want to travel light but the things i carry will have a heavy emotional importance. I don’t like to revolve around materialism so i feel an ID would be of importance because it is who you are it is how people will know you. I carry my ID always just in case life is never promised so who knows what can happen maybe i stop breathing while walking at least i can be identified right then and there. I would carry a picture of loved ones because i am a family person I want my loved ones close at all times and if they can’t be there a picture is good enought that will mean more to me then a phone a charger even money in some cases. Some people prefer technology but why ? it’ll only go so far. something that really matters should be more than an iphone or a charger. I live my life litle at a time and will choose to hump with my ID and family close to me at all times.
3/2/2015 03:53:47 pm
If I was a soldier in the story "The things they carried “and I had to choose two things that I would hump best believe they would be worth it. The two daily items that I would carry with me I would have to say is my phone and headphones. I say my cell phone because I use it for basically everything. Come one we all know if we have a smartphone 99% of us have spent a good amount of time on it. My cell phone is such a good and simply way of keeping in tack with my loved ones with the press of a button. It’s also a good way of finding out information in a good efficient easy way. Its knowledge in your fingertips.
3/2/2015 04:10:15 pm
In my backpack, i carry my phone and my two personal books at all times. They are things that stay with me at all times. The books stay with me just in case i ever wanna just write an idea and keep it and make it in my book to document it. Each book is very important to me in everyway . My phone is on me at all times because of my family and friends. It allows me to keep in touch with those i haven't seen in a long time. Both items are tangible because i can feel them. They make who i am as a person which become intangible. These items are what makes me become who i am because it allows me to express my personality.
3/2/2015 04:33:03 pm
The first thing I would bring is a picture of my younger brother. The physical aspect of bringing this item is to remind me that I have a younger brother at home and just to put me at ease when I am in the middle of chaos in Afghanistan or Iraq. The intangible aspect to this item is to so when I look at this picture it can remind me that I have someone at home, across the world who looks up to me on a daily basis, reminding me that I am a strong leader and I will always have somebody depend on me for something. This will help me keep my composure and most important my mental and emotional balance because balance is the most vital thing to harness in the midst of war. The second item I would bring is my first dogs collar. I know that seems a little odd but ill explain. Tangibly it is to remind me of my first dog who passed away and helps me remember the dog I currently have living at home. Intangibly it represents the soldiers I am surviving with, they are dogs, a species of animal who preys on enemies in packs and is much weaker alone. Comments are closed.
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