War and Peace: "The Things They Carried" Short Story Blog Post (Primary and Secondary-2 days)2/27/2014
![]() Prompt: Think about the items that you carry in your bag (backpack, purse, fanny-pack, man-bag, etc.). Choose two items and explain why you have chosen to "hump" these items wherever you go. What is the tangible and intangible element of each item and why? Then think and write about what these items say about you. Primary Blog Post: 2 Full Paragraphs (5-7 sentences each - use at least one MLA cited quote from the short story) Secondary Blog Post: 1 Full Paragraph (5-7 sentences) X 2 (one each for two classmates) *please note: you may use a "pen name" for this assignment (both primary blog entry and secondary blog entry) but you MUST let me know who you are so that I may give you credit. -(DAY 1) Primary Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of class will be scored. -(DAY 2) Secondary Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of class will be scored.
2/27/2014 03:30:31 am
One item that I would carry around would be my volleyball warm-up. It is tangible because it a piece of clothing that represent my team. It is intangible because my volleyball warm-up represent of how much I love the sport. This item says about me that I am a team player and the amount of commitment that I put into volleyball. In the story, “The Things They Carried,” each character carries something that means something to them. “First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha,” (O’Brien, 1). The letters represent the amount of love that he have for Martha even though it just writing on paper.
Brandon Olmeda
2/28/2014 03:29:33 am
Tthe way you connected the volleyball warm up with the short story tell me alot i never new someone can have the love for a game like that. also how you use it to reprsent your team something ur not ashamed of were some will. the second thing you carried is the pen i never knew someone could love a pen cause most people just use anything that can write.Also they way you have it special design for you which makes it a great intangibl. over all i have the same feeling over thing i own because it symbolize alot when i have them.
Rhianna Eaton
2/27/2014 03:30:56 am
“To carry something was to ‘hump it’,” (O’Brien, 1). I suppose I “hump” the necklace that belongs to my mother. It is a necklace with a heart pendent with the Senora Guadalupe (the Virgin Mary) in the center of the heart. My mother prays to her almost every night. Wearing this necklace makes me think of her, and it also reminds me of my religion. Sometimes I wish I was more religious. I wear this necklace as a reminder of how my mother would handle certain situations, or just to remind me that she is always with me.
Dana Bramble
2/28/2014 03:22:56 am
In my response, I did not not even thing about sports or anything like that. But I find the fact that one of things you would carry around is your volley war-up, because that is definetly something that I can relate to. This is truly something that you should honor, because playing a sport is not necessarily easy. So the fact that you made the team, your committed and your a team player is hoestly sonething that you should be proud of. In my opinion bringing this piece of clothing around expresses your love and passion of volley. I too am very passionate about track. Lastly, I wish you the best in your future career with volleyball Rhianna.
Num Num Num
2/28/2014 03:25:59 am
Wow! l really liked when you told story bout your necklace and your glasses. I really do like the story behind those two items. I had a same story for my necklace also, it remind me a lot about my mother and my grandmother. I hope the necklace bring you lucks to success in future and now. I’m surprise that glasses can carry an image of a person you care the most. Great story.
Rina Inn
2/28/2014 03:49:51 am
Necklace from people dear to our hearts makes us feel very important. We tend to cherish such things very much that we wouldnt afford to loose it. Talking about the fact that the neckalce got a heart pendent of Virgin Mary on it makes it more religious as to why your mother kept praying to it. I really like it because when you think about it anytime you are with your neckalce, it makes you draw closer to your mom and with the Virgin Mary even though they might not be closer to you. About your glasses I think it is very important to you that you must always have it on since you cant see cleary without them on.
2/28/2014 03:36:45 am
I can relate to you becuase i can not see anything without my glasses either. I also dont wear them all the time becuse if i wear them for to long i start to get a headache. I should wear them more too because not wearing probably makes my vision worse. I also carry something that reminds me of someone important to me. Except it's my sister not my mom.
jB Money the God
2/28/2014 03:47:48 am
I have read your story and thought it was touching for the most part. Items like a pencil, necklace, or glasses might be ordinary possessions, but they can have a whole different meaning to individuals. We both have items that remind us about those we care about and have historical or religious backgrounds that define a part of who we are as individuals. I find your reasoning about your glasses to be very heart warming since there’s a whole meaning to your glasses than just using them for sight. Your feelings that link towards your family and friends made me feel happy inside and correlates to people that I think of when holding to my two items. Hope you can see your friend more often and hope your items will continue to make you feeling happy and pleasant with your environment.
Dana Brmable
2/27/2014 03:31:31 am
Agenda- An item that I always keep in my bag is my agenda. “The things they carried were largely determined by necessity” (O’Brien 1). My agenda is something I NEED; it is what keeps me organized as a student. In this agenda, I record all important and upcoming dates to remember. But most importantly, I record all of my homework for each night. This reduces the possibility of me forgetting to do something. That is very important to me, especially in school because my goal is to succeed and get good grades. And, in order to do this I must complete each nights homework and remain conscious of upcoming due dates. When I forget my agenda, my day is a little off. I have to either write things down on a scrap piece of paper or try to remember, which can both result in uncompleted work. Therefore, my agenda is very important and will always have its place in my bag.
2/28/2014 03:29:12 am
I agree with you that an agenda is very important in life. This item is tangible in a way showing that it’s a great way to keep anyone organized. An agenda can keep you from forgetting certain things and keeping yourself on topic. The agenda can make me feel as if I will always be more up to date and keep up with what’s going on around me in my community and during education. An agenda keeps anyone from forgetting any appointments or even assignments that are important. Keeping yourself on track is very important, because if you’re not on track your self-respect would fall down and lead to you becoming more and more unprepared and unorganized. This item in an intangible way is definitely important for making yourself feel safer, since all the things important happening with your life is safe in a book with you.
Kim K
2/28/2014 03:29:41 am
I agree with you when you say an agenda is something one needs and something a student must have on them always. I can attest to the fact that my agenda keeps me organized and on track with school work. I usually forget to do my homework when I don’t have it written down. I also think that it is true that every student needs a writing utensil when coming to school. I mean who drives a car without the keys. Overall, I agree that though these are little things are little things, when over looked are of great importance and value.
Ashanique Owens
2/28/2014 03:34:20 am
Dear Dana Bramble, :*
2/28/2014 03:36:30 am
Agenda you say huuhhhh? In a way do you feel naked without your agenda? It’s common for some people to feel weird without certain items that they have with them on a daily basis, but are you one of them? I can relate because I also feel the same way without my cellphone. Not having to contact people electronically, but actually talk to them is sort of the same feeling you experience when you don’t have your agenda with you and have to result to using scrap paper. Seeing that you truly “NEED” your agenda, which portrays that you’re a hardworking student that enjoys getting good grades and getting everything in tact/organized?
Num Num Num
2/28/2014 03:39:36 am
I really like how an agenda can show your personality, and you are an organize person/students, I can tell it by seeing you in person. I agree that agenda keep you on track of what you doing and make your brain less stress. I agree with you that about going to school with a pen or pencil. I always image that we are soldier in school, pen/pencil and book is our weapons and school is the battle place. If we go to battle without our weapons, we are more likely end up fail. So pen or pencil is important for students to have everyday in school. Good luck in signing. Great singer always carries pen or pencil around to write a song right.
3/3/2014 11:17:49 am
I can relate to your response because it is very similar to my own and because I also carry an agenda wherever I go. It is always useful and very important if you want to stay on top of things in school. Without it I know I wouldn't be able to remember what I have to do each day, and having it gives me peace of mind. I also agree that writing utensils are much more than they seem. A majority of the things you do in school involve writing something down. They are literally your tools to completing school and therefore leading a successful life.
Ashanique Owees
2/27/2014 03:31:39 am
The belongings that I would lug with me would have to be my identification. I would carry this around with me because not only will I always remember who I am but I will always be able to purchase items that I want. Without identification I would not be able to go get into certain places. I also lug this because if anything were to every happen to me, whoever finds me dead or alive will know who I am. “The things they carried were largely determined by necessity (O’Brien 1).This proves that identification is a necessity. You will need your identification for the times of if an officer ever pulls your over, when you are trying to purchase an item at the store, to when you are trying to get into a club.
Rhianna Eaton
2/28/2014 03:20:09 am
These two items really are important. Not only does your identification provide an idea of who you are and other personal imformation, but the pepper spray provides a sense of protection, whether or not you're actually going to use it. I agree that a form of identification is a necessity. It is also important to feel safe, no matter where you go. Pepper spray offers you a sense of security, so it makes perfect sense as to why you would carry this. Your two items seem to be very practical and necessary to "hump".
Rhianna Eaton
2/28/2014 03:20:24 am
These two items really are important. Not only does your identification provide an idea of who you are and other personal imformation, but the pepper spray provides a sense of protection, whether or not you're actually going to use it. I agree that a form of identification is a necessity. It is also important to feel safe, no matter where you go. Pepper spray offers you a sense of security, so it makes perfect sense as to why you would carry this. Your two items seem to be very practical and necessary to "hump".
2/28/2014 03:26:24 am
Ashanique I think the identification idea was very interesting to me. I think a lot of people didn't think about the importance of being able to defecate "who I am". Not only will you need your ID when you are stopped by an officer, you can look at it whenever you are down as a source of encouragement. Sometimes as humans we need a little pick me up when you are discourage. Typically your ID like your drivers license reflections a happy time in your life where you succeed in your goal.
Dana Bramble
2/28/2014 03:31:52 am
These two items are very important to always have with you. Especially at EHHS, we know just how important it is to always have your ID (lol). Something i noticed is that both of your items can be of aid in times of trouble. For example, if you get kidnapped, you can use the pepper spray against the enemy. Then, when help comes they will be able to accurately identify you thanks to your ID. Lastly, the way you connected the second quote to your item of pepper spray was very very fluently placed into your response. Nice job!
3/3/2014 11:35:31 am
I agree that identification is always important to carry around. The reasons you stated as to why you should carry an ID made me realize that I should start carrying my ID everywhere I go. Pepper spray is also a very important item to have. It could save you from harm and even save your life. Even if you don't live in a particularly dangerous area, I understand that carrying it around gives you a peace of mind.
Num Num Num
2/27/2014 03:33:52 am
The 2 items that I always carry in my backpack are my watch and my necklace with Buddha and red symbol (luck in Italian) . The tangible of my watch silver and active, it always works properly. The intangible of my watch is schedule for daily, my personal reminder that keeps me in track of what I’m doing and make sure I finish everything daily. My watch can also let me know to start planning a head, so everything I going to plan run smooth. My watch showing that I always try to keep track of what doing in times and showing that I’m a focus person.
Num Num Num
2/27/2014 03:38:23 am
To carry something was to “hump” it” (O’Brien 1)
jB Money the God
2/28/2014 03:43:00 am
I really enjoyed reading your story and can relate to where you’re coming from. Items can tell many things towards a person and, in a way, helps us through harshness of reality. We both believe in certain things and want to be safe and happy in our world. Our items help manage our emotions and feelings during daily and/or current situations. I understand how you believe in something that can help you be safe and happy; whether it’s true or not that your necklace can literally shield you from bad luck. I’m glad that you feel happy with these possessions and hope that you’re taking good care of them.
Brandon Olmeda
2/27/2014 03:35:29 am
In my bag I carry two things that get me by life and how It’s got me to where I am now such as my school supplies. I carry these things because it what keep me organized and keep me focus in school. With supplies you might as well not come to school it basically shows people how serious you are about school and maybe how other look toward you as a person which goes back to the fact on how it makes me who. It could also be bad if I don’t have my supplies I would be day dreaming like Lieutenant Jimmy Cross when he has his pebble that was given to him by Martha. “He had difficulty keeping his attention on the war” (Tim). This is exactly like me in looking upon society expectation but when I mess up and forget what it most import like my supplies and Jimmy cross with the war we let them down.
2/28/2014 03:26:32 am
I would agree with you here. If I didn't have my school supplies,I would not be able to do anything in class. I would do the same thing in day dreaming. With no school supplies and I am in school, it would make me zone out on other things. Also, I wouldn't focus in any of my classes.
2/28/2014 03:38:42 am
I agree with you that having your girlfriends ID is very important. Having her ID in your backpack shows that you love her dearly and have respect for carrying her anywhere you go in school. Having someone else’s identification is very important, because this can show true love against your lover by having a person holding their life in another’s hold. Having that ID can show her and other people around you that you want to keep her safe from any dangers and it’s a tangible item. For an example for an intangible way of that item is by having it makes yourself feel trusted by her and that she will always love and respect you. True love form just having this simple ID makes you feel good at all times knowing she will always be with you.
Cristian Martinez
2/27/2014 03:36:50 am
I carry many things, but there is one in particular that I carry on me al the time. “To carry something was to “hump” it” (O’Brien 1) and that’s exactly what I did with my house keys. The key has a single metal loop around it. I chose to “hump” this item because it allows me to be prepared whenever I go out. It’s so that I am never locked out if no one is at home. It’s because my house is very busy, so most of the time no one is home. By carrying the key it gives me a sense of safety and shelter. It’s because it opens the door for me to be sheltered and it reassures me that if no one is home I will always enter. I think this item shows that I am prepared for anything, as well as responsible.
2/28/2014 03:30:29 am
Cristian Martinez, I see that you want to say you bring your key around because it’s your safety. I absolutely agree with the fact that when you bring your key around it’s for your safety, am guessing that “safety” is your intangible item. For your second item I love the way you depicts your mechanical pencil. Not many people would look at a mechanical pencil and see the value that you see in it. You really open my eyes on how I just a simple piece of item can benefit you, encourages you and can be used as a sense of motivation. I bring around a lot of things with me but to be honest not many have sentimental values to me as the way you portrays your physical items.
2/28/2014 03:36:05 am
I had the same thoughts about a writing utensil. The writing utensil could create and give multiple of possibilities. I am also thinking many possibilities that i could do for something. Possibilities will also refill up in ones' mind. With these possibilities, they could benefit the world or not.
2/28/2014 03:41:34 am
You and like eight other people carry around a pencil. To me this is kind of weird. Out of all the things to carry of importance people choose to carry a pencil. not saying that there's anything wrong with it, it just doesn's strike me as important enough to always have with me. Keys are very important though. i completely undstand why you carry these.
2/27/2014 03:37:00 am
A physical item that I always bring with me wherever I go is my house key. I don’t have to bring it with me all the time but it’s because of the fact that it shoes my responsibility. It shoes responsibility that I can get in my house whenever I want and not getting myself locked out causing me to inconvenience someone else. I bring my key around even when I go out with members from my household, because in the end not all the time they are the same one that ends up bringing me back home or even if they are going to be home the night.
Cristian Martinez
2/28/2014 03:29:18 am
How ironic that you and me have the same object to carry. It’s funny that you say people depend on you to open the door. The same goes for me. I am the only one in the household that carries the house key all the time. I didn’t really think of this responsibility giving me a rank in the family. So that’s a new way of looking at it, but I carry the key because it’s convenient and I am sure you know what I mean.
Kim K
2/27/2014 03:37:00 am
My agenda is always in my book bag. I hump this little but very important book every day. I have to write everything down. I tend to forget these little details when I don’t write them down; from my homework to important dates and deadlines. I feel that my agenda keeps me organized and everything is well planned. With my agenda on me, I know when my English essay is due and the date of prom.
Elena Gilbert
2/27/2014 03:37:13 am
Cristian Martinez
2/28/2014 03:37:48 am
I know exactly what you mean by feeling incomplete without your keys. I don’t carry a purse around or anything, but I do carry my keys around. Whenever I carry my keys I feel safe and prepared for anything. So when I don’t have it because I forgot it or something I feel uneasy the whole day. Then when I go home just like you wait for neighbors to open the doors I have to wait for my mother to open the door. My mother doesn’t come home until 8:00 so you can imagine how long I have to wait outside.
2/28/2014 03:46:53 am
Paradoxically, I bring around my keys too, but not for your immaterial reason which is responsibility. I bring my key around all the time because it’s for the benefit of me. Freedom is what you bring around whenever you bring around my key?......hmm I never actually look at it that way. I admire your intangible things that your bring around in representation of your tangible items. This makes me realize that people can bring around the same item but for different reason; and how other people can bring around different item but has a similar sentimental values. I actually like this.
2/27/2014 03:38:58 am
I never go to any of my classes without two very important utensils or materials. Those materials happen to be a notebook and a pencil. These materials may see very ordinary to most people and a give in but to me they are necessities. I have learned that to express my ideas I can’t always voice them out loud, it’s not always appropriate but if I write it down it can withstand the test of time; I can always visit it later no matter how many days, months or weeks pass by. I’ve learned that you have to prepare for possible incidences that may seem unfortunate just like the soldiers in the Vietnam War “by necessity, and because it was SOP, they all carried steel helmets (O’Brien 1).” The one person who forgot to wear their helmet met their end very shortly. I’ve learned that one can not prepare for all possible dangers, incidences, activities or opportunities in life but it is worth trying. I also carry a pencil to remind me that my mistakes are not permanent; I can always go back and amend or revise what I wrote.
Kim K
2/28/2014 03:42:01 am
As a student, I think your notebook and your pen are the basic necessities you need. Your reasons for having these items are really valid and true. I like how you connected your ideas with the short story. The fact that you choose to use a pencil instead of a pen is interesting. It is really hard to erase your mistakes when they are written in bed then when they are written in pencil. I also like how you connected the use of a pencil and being able to erase your mistakes to your life. Mistakes are not permanent and we can always go back to fix them.
Shark Week
2/27/2014 03:39:11 am
One item I would bring with me wherever I went would be my wallet. My wallet is very important to me because it carries all my money that I worked hard to get. It also has my identification and my school things which I need for people to see who I am if they need to identify me. My wallet is like a safe haven for my things and a sense of accomplishment. It makes me feel like I have made a difference in peoples lives because of when I made people joyful when I give people money and help them with their money problems. It also makes me feel joy to see my pictures that I put in my wallet of my family and friends. “Lieutenant Cross carried two photographs of Martha.”(O’Brien 1)
Elena Gilbert
2/28/2014 03:22:27 am
After Analyzing, your first paragraph I do agree with the fact that you carry around your wallet wherever you go, I agree with your statement. This is because I also have a phobia of carrying my wallet as well, it provides me with safe haven just like how you stated. I feel like without my wallet, I am an incomplete person. In today’s world, you never know when you will get in some emergency. But with your wallet on you, you feel very safe. I am actually surprised that I am not the only person who feels this way about carrying around my wallet.
Ashanique Owens
2/28/2014 03:25:11 am
For my response to Shark Week,
Rhianna Eaton
2/28/2014 03:25:24 am
It is important to carry around a form of identification and something that offers a sense of security. A wallet can be considered a necessity because it carries money and identification. Those two things offer endless possibilities. A parachord bracelet is also very important because it offers a sense of protection. Even if you're not actually going to use it, the fact that it is there will make you feel safe.
Milady Appiah
2/28/2014 03:33:32 am
Shark Week I agree with you about bringing your wallet along. It is very neccesarily. I think it is because it conatins all your essentials of living. You need to have money on you in order to make purchases for food if your not around natural resources. Your ID in your wallet lets people who you are in case you ever get stopped.
Brandon Olmeda
2/28/2014 03:43:40 am
I also carry my walet because it is the most important. i feel the same way about carring wallet with out it your just empty. also it important because it identify you as person. the bracelet seems important just like thephoto he recieved from martha. i liek the idea that it get you up when ur down which could be a big help.
Victoria Smith
2/27/2014 03:39:37 am
In the short story The things They Carried, there are some characters that are in war carrying personal items with them. Some of these items carry something either emotional or mental with them. I have two items in my bag that I don’t leave home without. My epi-pen is one of the items. The next item is my floss.
Elena Gilbert
2/28/2014 03:31:35 am
In the things they carried, each characters carried some personal items that made them who they are or served as a source of comfort whenver they needed it. After analyzing your comment, I believe that if I had any allergies I would hump around an epi-pen just like how you stated. The pen that you carry is a very important thing that promote your everyday life. It serves as protection or relief in terms on needs. An example just like how you stated "I get a little nervous when people offer me food or snacks that might contain it", but with the pen on you, you will feel safe.
2/27/2014 03:50:55 am
One item I would hump with me wherever I go would be a .7 Led pencil. The reason I choose this item in a tangible way would be because, it is something I always use it to write down certain things in life that will eventually lead to success. “The things they carried were determined to some extent by superstition, (O’Brien 5)” just like this in the short story my item I choose depends upon what’s going on, but this pencil I choose is useful for any situation happening. This item in an intangible way shows me the way to being successful towards my future leading me closer and closer to many goals I would want to achieve. This item represents the way I live in life showing me organization and responsibility to becoming a more evolved person in society.
jB Money the God
2/27/2014 04:13:17 am
There are those who experienced different events in their lives and can symbolize different items that revisit that certain period of their lives intentionally and unintentionally. These items can be large or small, but mainly functions as a keepsake of a fond or negative memory that’s intangible. For me, what I carry that’s tangible are my golden pen and a Peruvian elephant chain from my friend’s sweet 16. These two items carry my intangible feelings from certain past events and emphasizes who I am. For instance, my golden pen is one of the many pencils and pens I have that correlates with me and my situation along with my environment. Sometimes I feel left out and forgotten because of my lack of abilities to offer, especially on current situations in school. Then I see some pencils, including my golden pen, that get left out because they weren’t good anymore for forgotten and this makes me feel sad in a way that I start to preserve them if I see any. Items shouldn’t be underestimated; they are powerful enough to even uncontrollably affect one’s personality like on the book as Lieutenant Cross explains with his letters from Martha, “Right then, he thought, he should’ve done something brave. He should’ve carried her up the stairs to her room and tied her to the bed…Whenever he looked at the photos, he thought of new things he should’ve done” (O’Brian 2).
The Lynx
2/28/2014 03:49:27 am
2/27/2014 02:26:06 pm
One item that I carry around in my backpack at all times is the key chain that my sister gave me. It is tangible because i can hold it in my hands. When ever I start to think about my sister I start to fiddle with it in my hands. It is intangible because it's just a key chain. It holds no meaning to anyone but me. It's like the memory of my sister because I don't see her that much anymore.
2/28/2014 03:24:53 am
My dearest Marlow, I agree with you and the tangible item that you hump with you at all times. It may be just a regular, old keychain to anyone else, but it has a lot of meaning to you and that’s great. Like Kiowa, both of you hump something that has family to do with it. He carried a new testament with him that belonged to his father and like him both of you have a deeper meaning behind such item. If you could have any other item from your sister what would it be? What I mean to say is that if you also use that keychain other than just thinking about your far away sister?
2/27/2014 03:33:52 pm
Two very dear items that I carry in my pants with me is my cellphone and my I.D. inside my wallet. It may be just an electronic device, but it means a whole lot too many teenagers like me. It’s a gateway to communicate with others, take pictures, listen to music and lastly surf the Internet with. The type of cellphone one has determines how easier it may be to access all these applications. For example the modern the phone, the more intact the holder seems kept up with technology of the twenty-first century. An I.D. on the other hand is what society can depict you as being. Its typed writing on a little, illuminated card displays the basic like your height, eye color, age, address etc…
2/27/2014 10:27:51 pm
“To carry something was to ‘hump it’ (O’Brien 1) One I would hump is the necklace I received from my mom on Valentine’s Day. It is tangible because it is a piece of object that represents my mom when she is not present. It is intangible because it symbolizes the importance and the love I have for my mom. As you read the story you find out that each person carries something mean full to them. For example Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries Martha’s letters. It is shows the amount of love he has for her. My next I would carry would be keys. It is tangible because it is a piece object that opens. Yet it is also intangible because mentally I understand that I am the only one who can control my destiny, with the keys I have the capability to open and close doors of opportunity.
Milady Appiah
2/27/2014 10:38:44 pm
“To carry something was to ‘hump it’.” (O’Brien 1) One thing I would hump is the necklace I received from my mom on Valentine’s Day. It is tangible because it is a piece of object that represents my mom when she is not present. It is intangible because it symbolizes the importance and the love I have for my mom. As you read the story you find out that each person carries something mean full to them. For example Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries Martha’s letters. It is shows the amount of love he has for her.
Milady Appiah
2/27/2014 10:43:36 pm
“To carry something was to ‘hump it’.” (O’Brien 1) One thing I would hump is the necklace I received from my mom on Valentine’s Day. It is tangible because it is a piece of object that represents my mom when she is not present. It is intangible because it symbolizes the importance and the love I have for my mom. As you read the story you find out that each person carries something mean full to them. For example Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries Martha’s letters. It is shows the amount of love he has for her.
Milady Appiah
2/27/2014 10:43:48 pm
“To carry something was to ‘hump it’.” (O’Brien 1) One thing I would hump is the necklace I received from my mom on Valentine’s Day. It is tangible because it is a piece of object that represents my mom when she is not present. It is intangible because it symbolizes the importance and the love I have for my mom. As you read the story you find out that each person carries something mean full to them. For example Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries Martha’s letters. It is shows the amount of love he has for her.
g money $$$
2/28/2014 03:44:42 am
I can relate to you because my dad also gave me a necklace so symbolize the love of his and also to keep his love near me and make me realize that he is going to be there no matter what the distance or time, he will be there.
2/28/2014 03:46:06 am
I also feel the same way when I’m carrying my key. Whenever I go out I also make sure that I have my key with me if no one is there to open the door. And I also like the idea about being able to have control over your own situation and not having to rely on someone else. It’s a good thing not having to rely on anyone except yourself because then you won’t have any freedom
g money $$$
2/28/2014 03:27:26 am
“To carry something was to ‘hump it’.” (O’Brien 1). One thing I would carry in my bag would be my necklace because it reminds me of my dad. It’s meaningful because it has a heart and he gave it to me when I turned 15. I would take it with me because my dad is away from me, and I miss him a lot. He is my best friend; he makes me laugh and cry at the same time because when he has to play the role of a dad, he is really strict but he could be the coolest man and dad in the world.
Rina Inn
2/28/2014 03:34:51 am
"To carry something was to "hump it"(O'Brien1). Two things that I will always carry in my bag is my purse and my cellphone. Inside my purse I got my identification card. It is tangible because incase I gets into trouble and there's no way I can help myself, people could identify me by my card and help me out. It is intangible because it is only an identification card and not me but also it can be my protection, it can allow someone to help me in times of trouble. Another object will be my cellphone. My cellphone is tangible in search a way that I use to call my family and friends to have fun. I also use my cellphone to make an important calls to get something done. It is intangible because I could choose to meet with family and friends to have fun with without calling them on the phone. But calling them on the phone is easier and faster.
2/28/2014 03:35:39 am
I would carry my English dictionary and also carry a pencil to write with because I’d say that those are the most important items to have. I can know what I’m saying with the book and stay educated then write down what I need to write down and maybe record my existence in this world. Then the intangible emotions I carry with myself everyday that I should let go is a burden to have because they mainly consist of sorrow and worry of the future. Then the other is care for the human race and maybe there is a hope of some kind for the innocent people in this world and not the evil that one day this world is going to hell maybe. But aside from that depression I’m holding on to my empathy for people and that I love my sisters and family.
2/28/2014 03:41:07 am
“To carry around something is to hump it.” (O’brien 1). I hump around my pen all day. Without it, I don’t have the ability to do my school work. Without school work being accomplished, how can I expect to graduate? These items are a necessity to life, the key. Without education, what is life? We all have the ability to become bigger, better persons, through a pen.
2/28/2014 03:42:34 am
If I had a bag and two things that I would carry in my bag would be my key and school supplies. These two things are probably the most important things that I carry because they help me to get where I need to be, for example my key keeps me from being locked out my house and having to not be worried about knowing where to go if I can’t get inside my house and I’ll be in my safe and known environment. Without my key I would have to wait for a family member to come home and depends on the weather outside I can get become sick and because I don’t have a family member that lives close by. I pretty much look at it as a sign of responsibility because it’s my job not to lose my key because it gives the chance for someone to get into my home if they have seen me go in before.
Krystal B.
2/28/2014 03:48:57 am
An item that I have chosen to “hump” in my bag where ever I go I would have to say is my Social Security card. Honestly I don’t know why I carry with it all the time in my wallet; I guess it’s just a habit. My mom always tells me to take it out my wallet and put it somewhere safe, but I just feel like a safe place for it is with me at all times in my wallet. I know it’s not safe, because anyone can take my social and do whatever with it. I tried so many times to leave it at home, but I go back and get it. I t has to be with me at all times. It’s my whole life in a 9 digit number card
2/28/2014 03:49:20 am
I would take my turtle necklace with me because it is the reason I can keep going. He is always looking up at me encouraging me to carry on. He tells me that even though it seems like the world is on my shoulders, I can survive. I like the way they live, have all that weight on them and they keep moving. Plus, no matter what flips them over. Eventually they get themselves back on their feet. They have so much wisdom in them too; some turtles live over 100 years old. Image what they could tell us about the world! They are survivors. And if that is there life, then I know I can survive whatever I am going through. I feel like even if the world is on my shoulders, I will be okay.
2/28/2014 03:50:17 am
I can connect to Milady in the sense that keys are essential to daily life. In a sense only you can open the doors you want to enter. You are the master of your own destiny. You pick and choose which opportunities to grasp and take advantage off. Keys do open doors to opportunities and people are able to help you out in your decisions in the future by handing you a key but they do not dictate your decision. It goes further when they control the key you need for the door because now you must work on their time and wait on them instead of yourself and your abilities. In school they attempt to tell you that if you do not do well in a certain subject that you will not be successful in life or sometimes even in college so that you could do your work but it is the wrong approach; only one person dictates one’s decision and that’s the person themselves.
2/28/2014 03:50:43 am
I carry very few things, but there are two items that are always with me. “The things they carried were largely determined by necessity” (O’Brien 1). Just like the soldiers in The Things They Carried, I often only carry what I need. One of these items is a pencil. The tangible element of this item is its simple use; to write. Because I am in school for a good part of a day, I will always need it. Without it, I would not be able to scramble to finish last night’s homework during passing time, or mark answers on a Scantron test. A pencil also holds an intangible element that is important to me. The fact that all pencils have an eraser represents the fact that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s okay to do so as long as you fix them. As someone who is always afraid of making mistakes, it is why I always choose to carry a pencil instead of a pen. Comments are closed.
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