![]() Now that you have read the short story "war" and watched the short film adaptation, please answer the three following questions: 1. How would you characterize the ending of this story… a realization, a denouement, or an epiphany? Denouement - after the climax, a gentle restoration of relationships prior to the events in the story Realization - where a character becomes aware of a reality in his or her life Epiphany - a sudden, sharp realization, an awareness of a desire that can never be fulfilled, or "reality" Explain your answer and describe its effect on the characters' different levels of denial. (100-150 words) 2. What desires motivate the fat traveler? Explain. Are these in conflict? (100-150 words) 3. Why is the atmosphere of the overnight train appropriate? (100-150)
Student #13
3/17/2014 06:04:48 am
After read the story “war”, I think the ending wasn’t good, so I’ll characterize the ending of the story more fair and happy. So at the end of the story the woman ask the missing teeth guy that is his son really die, instead asking that question, she could of ask “do you have another son that still live with you?”, the man said yes and the woman start to comfort the man about live happy with happy with his other son because every seconds are counted and make sure he make a good decision for every second of his life with his last son. This ending relate to an epiphany because he a strong relationship between him and his son, he always want to live with his son, and maybe this ending will make his desire come true, but the denial of it is that one of his son is gone forever. He said “you can’t give love to one of your child and other is none, you have to give them your love in equal”, so even if he still have one son left, it would make him happy, but it doesn’t make any different that he lost half of his love to his children.
Student 21
3/18/2014 12:10:47 pm
1.War ends with two characters experiencing a realization. I believe it is a realization rather than an epiphany, because both the fat man and bulky woman’s minds change over time. You can see how the man’s mind changes even as he is giving his speech. “’…I do not even wear mourning’… his livid lip over his missing teeth was trembling… he ended with a shrill laugh which might have been a sob” (Pirandello). Even as he tries to convince the others on the train that fighting and dying for your country is something they should hold in the highest regard, he has his doubts. The man’s speech has the opposite effect on the woman. She begins her stay on the train grief-stricken, but by the end of the man’s speech she realizes that she should show the same resolve that he and the others passengers show.
Student 5
3/18/2014 03:23:36 pm
1. I would characterize the ending of the story as epiphany. The reason for this is because the ending correlates towards the scene with the fat man breaking down. After the one question from the woman that asked “Then…is your son really dead?” was addressed, the fat man began to look like he suddenly realized that his son was gone forever. The sharp realization and awareness of his desires to have his son alive will never be fulfilled revolves around epiphany. His sudden outburst of grief and tears were caused by the question from the woman, which made him remember the reality that his son was really dead from the war.
Student #11
3/19/2014 02:34:05 am
After reading the short story “War” and watching the short film adaptation I characterize the ending of the story as an epiphany. An epiphany is a sudden, sharp realization, an awareness of a desire that can never be fulfilled, or “reality”, and this is the perfect explanation for the ending of this story, especially in the movie. In the movie, we see Bruno as a young eight year old boy that loves to explore. He has a very big imagination and is full of creativity which leads him to pass his boundaries at their new home. Upon exploring he encounters a concentration camp, which is completely unaware of its true meaning. He starts talking to a little boy the same age, on the other side of the fence, named Shmuel. After numerous meeting Bruno decides to go on the other side, and as a result catches his death. This hit home for the entire family. It was a revelation that opened all of their eyes and revealed to them just how evil and corrupt these concentration camps were. I consider this an epiphany, because it took the death of an innocent child for reality to be exposed to this family. In the short story “War” the ending could too be categorized as an epiphany, as everyone comes to reality and understand that regardless of how many sons you have that participate(d) in the war, if they die it still has a significant effect on them.
Student #11
3/19/2014 02:56:38 am
Word Count: 519
Student 19
3/19/2014 03:18:47 am
I would characterize the ending of the story “War” by Lungi Pirandello can be realization or epiphany but I will go with realization because the mindfulness of a desire that will never be fulfilled. I say this because I believe that the fat man and the woman became aware of a reality in their life. Both the man and the woman has a mind change which shows their awareness. The man shows realization when the woman asks him if his son is dead. This awareness made him realize that his son is actually dead and the fact of him never being able to see his son again.
Student #26
3/19/2014 05:48:45 am
1.How would you characterize the ending of this story… a realization, a denouement, or an epiphany?
3/19/2014 09:08:02 am
After finishing the short story “War” I believe that this story is a great example of an epiphany to ample upon. In this story there are many characters, but the most important are those who lost their children or are close to losing their children because of war. The women who lost their child already knows how it feels to lose a loved one while all these other people have been encountering problems with their children going in and out of horrible situations. The reason to why this short story is a great example of an epiphany is mainly because when the people who already lost their children know what it is like without loved ones, but especially the women who has had their children come home then sent back even after injury is what makes this a sharp realization of how people in different situations can feel.
3/19/2014 09:09:41 am
Word count: 355
3/19/2014 12:30:57 pm
1. After reading the short story, “War” by Luigi Pirandello, I characterize the ending as an epiphany. In the story we see that the fat man changes everyone’s perspective on their sons and nephews going into the war. The fat man and some other passengers make everyone including the bulky come to the realization that their sons and nephews do not belong to them once they turn twenty but belong to the country and that they shouldn’t worry because their boys are content with what they are doing for the country. We realize that the fat man has fully accepted the death of his son because of the message his son sent him. Though his words brought some type of comfort to the woman, it was her question that made the fat man really realize that his son was gone. His son was gone forever. The reality of his son’s death hit him so hard that he sobbed uncontrollably.
3/19/2014 12:31:55 pm
Word Count - 415
Student 2
3/19/2014 01:38:49 pm
1. The ending of the short story “war,” I would characterized it as being a realization because of how the old man finally realized what happened to me. The old man did not want to believe that his son is dead, but he had faced the truth that his son is in fact gone forever. The old man’s level of denial is high because he keeps telling himself and the other people that his son isn’t dead, but when the woman asks him about his son being really dead, he soon realized that it is true and not a lie. He couldn’t accept why it came to be.
Student 03
3/19/2014 02:39:05 pm
1) By the end of the short story “War” by Luigi Pirandello I would characterize the ending as an epiphany. I would characterize it as an epiphany because both the fat man and the bulky women experienced a sharp realization. Although both were different they experienced a reality in which there desires could not be fulfilled. The fat man after hearing the question asked from the women realized that his son was really dead and no matter how much his desire was to believe his son died a hero it wasn’t the truth. This is what the father realized. He lost his son and he will never return ands that’s why he began to cry. On the other hand the woman realized her son was still alive just that he was sent to war.
number twenty-five
3/19/2014 03:13:12 pm
1) I think the man had more of an epiphany than a realization. He was trying to convince the people on the train that there's nothing to cry about and that they shouldn't be sad that their son's are at war the whole time. Then all of a sudden he started crying because it hit him that he should be sad. The women on the other hand had more of a realization. She slowly realized that all the grieving and crying that she was doing wasn't needed because it happens; death is apart of life.
Student 8
3/19/2014 03:25:32 pm
In beginning of the story most of the characters were quarreling about who was suffering the most pain after their children were sent off to battle fields. All the characters showed some kind of emotions but the bulky woman was one of the main characters who seemed to be really affected by it. After analyzing the short story, the ending was about realization. This is because, the fat man at the start of the story was in complete denial and kept talking about how an honor it was for his son to be Sent to the front line at war. At the end of the story, the bulky woman came up with a question that changed the Fat man’s actions entirely, “Is Your Son Really Dead”? This question made the fat man realize that his son who died at battle field was actually gone forever. His emotions changed all of a sudden and began to sob.
student 10
3/19/2014 03:41:31 pm
1. The ending of the story is realization the fat man did not realize he had lost a son forever until the tiny man whom his son have been taken to the front asked "....Is your son really dead? This brought an awareness that his son was gone forever, and he is not going to set his eyes on him again. The fat man at the beginning of the story told the other passengers to stop sobbing and mourning about their sons taken to the front, but rather be happy. This is because when their sons die, they die happily.
Student 15
3/19/2014 04:09:09 pm
I would characterize the ending of the story as epiphany. It took the big old man only one question to bring him back to reality. In such a short period of time he was brought back to reality and then suddenly he realized that he could not deal with the fact that is son dead and never coming back and he could no longer deal with not mourning over the situation any longer. He dealt with his lost the way he should have in the first place. The ending of this short story happen to be rhetorically, and falls into place with everyone else’s situations, which is simple facing reality and whatever it comes along with even though it might happen for you to hate it.
3/19/2014 04:11:57 pm
1. I believe at least two of the characters experience a realization, which is when a character becomes fully aware of a reality in his or her life. The fat man, who stated that their children belong to the Country, not to the parents, knew that his son was dead. However, it seems as though he was in denial about the loss of his son. It wasn't until the end of the short story when the woman asked if his son was really dead that he showed emotion toward the situation. He began to sob uncontrollably. I believe this realization altered his denial levels. When he broke down in tears in the short story, his denial levels decreased simply because he was finally facing the fact that his son was dead.
Student 9
3/19/2014 04:59:25 pm
1. I would characterize the ending of the story to be a realization because both the bulky woman and the fat man change their point of view. When the bulky woman asked the fat man if his child was really dead his tone transitioned from being calm about the situation to being sadden. It is evident when the author expresses that “he ended with a shrill laugh which might have been a sob.” ( Pirandello) The man’s overpowering speech started to sink in to the bulky woman. She was no longer struggling under that big goat. His speech motivated her to change her mind set that her son going to war didn’t only have to be viewed as a con but it could be viewed as a con too. He was fighting for his country.
Student #4
3/19/2014 05:05:27 pm
After reading the short story "War", I'm making the educated decision/guess that the fat man came to realization at the end of the story. Also, the bulky woman had an epiphany. The fat man realized that his son really is dead, and that he was just in very deep denial. The bulky woman was different and had an epiphany because it came clear to her that she doesn't have it as bad as she though. She still has her son, even though he's heading off to war to fight, at least he isn't dead. The fat traveler is motivated by a few specific things. One is the respect and pride that he has for the men who serve their county. Also the love of his country, which he makes it clear on the train.
Student 16
3/19/2014 06:38:12 pm
After reading the short story “War” by Pirandello, I would characterize the ending of this story as realization. It’s true that the fat traveler made the whole bunch of people realize that his son was dead, but he said it without grief. The fat traveler stated that “everyone should stop crying: everyone should laugh, as I do…or at least thank God- as I do-because my son, before dying, sent me a message saying that he was dying satisfied at having ended his life in the best way he could have wished” (line 20-25). In way, he’s come to his senses that his son died happy, but came into realization that he would never ever see his son once the question asked by the women was said and he became distorted.
Student #26
3/20/2014 12:57:33 am
2. What desires motivate the fat traveler? Explain. Are these in conflict? The desires that motivate the fat traveler is his country, he feels sad because his son got taken to the front, he was in denial. He thinks that anyone should fight for there . The fat traveler knows that his son died with satisfaction for his country. He died with pleasure, because he knew that he died for something good. The traveler is proud of his son.
3/20/2014 02:45:44 am
1. I characterize the end of the “war” as Epiphany because at the end of the story the one who brought up the whole situation was the one who came down at the end and broke down in tears. “I do not even wear mourning’ said the man but he came to the realization that his son was really gone and that when everyone began to sob because the kid don’t belong to them they belong to their country which was not fair because they feel that it is not fair they would take their place if they could in the front line. Comments are closed.
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