![]() Prompt: Think about the items that you carry in your bag (backpack, purse, fanny-pack, man-bag, etc.). Choose two items and explain why you have chosen to "hump" these items wherever you go. What is the tangible and intangible element of each item and why? Then think and write about what these items say about you. Original Blog Post: 2 Full Paragraphs (5-7 sentences) Classmate Response Blog Post: 1 Full Paragraph (5-7 sentences) *please note: you may use a "pen name" for this assignment (both original blog entry and response blog entry) but you MUST let me know who you are on Monday so that I may give you credit. -Original Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of class will be scored. -Response Blog Post: Only those posted by Sunday night 11:59 pm will be scored.
2/1/2013 04:12:26 am
In my backpack I would carry a phone and money. I would keep my phone because it will allow me to call people. I will also be able to keep track of the date and time. The intangible element is that I can call my family and loved ones whenever I want. This will help me keep track of what is going on with my family. It can also give me a peace of mind by giving me the ability to listen to music. I will also keep it in case of and emergency.
2/3/2013 07:43:41 am
I agree with the two items Kirkland chooses to carry in his backpack because they allow him to have a positive mindset. Both phone and money are things many people cant live without. I think they are the most important items individuals should carry with them during any circumstances. To feel safe and mentally sure that you wont go hungry or lost.
2/1/2013 04:17:56 am
Mark Ortiz
2/1/2013 04:24:30 am
I dont disagree it will help you keep up of what you are suppose to do. I9t allows you to be organized also. You could keep the nottebook to keep down notes. It may also be used as a diary too to right down things that are personal.
2/3/2013 11:04:03 am
I agree with you Mark because I feel a notebook & and agenda are the key essentials to a backpack. When coming to school, you need to have an agenda to assure organization in homework assignments. A notebook is also sufficient because while in class you're allowed to jot down notes that will help you retain knowledge. 2/1/2013 04:28:51 am
Shariff Lewis
2/5/2013 02:18:52 pm
im agree u always need your phone. because im like that too , u never know when u need it. like if you bored or emergency u always have your phone with you. your phone its like your best friend because you alway trust your phone and u always have it with you
2/7/2013 12:42:39 am
Seeing as how you never know what life can throw at you I agree that you always need your cellphone. A cellphone can give you a feeling of protection when there may not any at the moment. To carry your backpack and hw shows that you are determined to make something of yourself.
2/1/2013 04:30:41 am
Every day I cary at least two things; my silk, and mysanity(the empty void where my heart used to be). my heart has been broken too many times for me to have one so my silk acts as a replacement. if i have no one to care for or care for me, il replace the need by caring for my silk. My silk is a small red skarf that i where around my wrist from the time i wake till the time i sleap. we share the same skars and battle wounds, as i detereorate so dose it.
Ruben Mendoza
2/3/2013 08:12:56 am
I really like this it shows and tells a lot about you physically and emotionally. You had a few grammar mistakes in this but the greatness of the passage overcomes it. I’m not going to lie I always wondered what the red scarf represented that you wear around your wrist and now I know. It’s crazy how something so simple can have a nice impact on someone/something. A lot of people chose simple things that they carry including myself and this is something a little more out of the usual but it’s well described. Nice job!!
Talyia Robinson
2/1/2013 04:32:55 am
Talyia Robinson
2/3/2013 02:10:07 am
These things are not only unique but very useful and important. hair pins keep anoying hair out of your face as chapstick prevents your lips from cracking up. their are many things that one can take and hump every where but none as usefull as hair pins an chapstick
Claudia Brucaeee
2/1/2013 04:33:26 am
One thing I always carry in my bag is my phone and my blixtex. I choose to hump these items where ever I go because when I don’t have my phone I feel empty like a part of me is missing. I bring my phone for communication if something happens and someone needs to get a reach of me I will have my phone right there. I also use my phone for amusement or entertainment for example listening to music or going on a social network. When I need my phone for a question I can quickly look it up on the phone with no problem at all. I bring my blixtex every where I go because I feel if I don’t have it my lips look dry and everyone will be looking at me so having my blixtex is a must have.
2/2/2013 06:09:01 pm
I can agree with you because I also carry these same things in my bag everyday. Cell phones can help almost every situation just like you said, they can be used for entertainment and communication. You rely on your phone for many things just like i do, so not having it around makes me feel incomplete. I also always keep my blixtex in my bag too just in case my lips get chapped. This shows that we both care about our appearance and we always have a solution.
Mimi K
2/3/2013 02:44:04 am
I can relate because I feel that my cell phone and blistex are really important. I agree that without my cell phone I feel that something is missing. When I have it with me, I have assurance that if someone is trying to get a hold of me for something important, I'll be able to talk to them. I also feel that the blistex is important because if my lips are dry it'll bother me. It will also bother me if I feel like people are going to stare at it.
Ruben Mendoza
2/1/2013 04:34:07 am
Two tangible things that I carry around with me in my everyday life have to be my phone and my wallet. I bring my phone everywhere because I feel as if I need my phone where ever I go, if I don’t have it I’ll feel like a part of me is left at home. I use my phone for communication and to just to stay in touch with my friends and peers. I take my wallet everywhere because it’s also a part of me literally. I have all of my personal information in there like my license, insurance card, and my eye care etc.
2/1/2013 04:34:48 am
One thing that I always carry in my bag is my phone, I cannot leave the house without this or I feel incomplete. When I don’t have my phone, I tend to feel distant from the world like I could be missing some important information that someone texted me or that was on the internet. My phone makes me feel secure because if an emergency was to happen, I would be able to come in contact with someone that can help me. Also my phone is my entertainment when I’m bored, with the internet, games, and music on my phone, I always have something to do. I need my phone around me at all times because I use it for everything like a calculator and a reminder. I believe that my phone can help me solve any problem where ever I am in the world; it is definitely reliable in any situation.
Talyia Robinson
2/1/2013 10:27:38 am
Talyia Robinson
Mimi K
2/1/2013 04:34:53 am
Two items that I carry in my bag are my cell phone and my wallet. I carry my phone with me because I use it to contact people when I need to. I keep my wallet with me to hold my money in so I don’t lose any of it. What is tangible about my phone is that I can use it for simple things like checking the time, using the calculator, listening to music and saving people’s numbers. What is tangible about my wallet is that it holds my money, ATM card, and ID.
2/1/2013 04:37:03 am
Something tangable that I carry is phone. That is because my phone is my everything. My pictures are in it and all my contacts. I use my phone for everything from alarms to making call to even using social networks. I use my pone to communicate with my family and friends.
2/1/2013 04:37:25 am
2/3/2013 03:21:22 pm
I agree with claudia's two items. her phones lets her stay in contact with her family. And her blistex is allows her to look beautiful all the time
2/5/2013 11:05:37 am
In my purse, the two things that I would carry would have to be my cell phone and my wallet. If I need to contact someone in case of an emergency, my phone would be right there. I would also carry my cell phone because there are many resources included in the phone, such as a GPS and the internet to answer a certain question I may have. I carry my wallet because it has my identification and money in case of an emergency, or if I just want to buy something.
2/5/2013 02:01:30 pm
the most thing i always have on me its my phone and my back pack. because my phone i always do a lot fun stuff like tex , talk, and play games. its important to have a phone beacuse in case of an emergency. my phone could do more stuff than that but i use the main stuff why i be using. its easy to use.
2/25/2013 11:42:22 pm
In my bag i carry a pen and a paper (which goes together) and a certain amount of money (i never carry all my money). I carry a pen and paper becuase i like to write a lot so whenever im bored i write, or whenever i see or hear something that i want to remember i'll write it down, and mark the date so i can remember it. I always carry money just incase i want to get something unepected becuase I'm out with friends alot so if i want something to eat or just want to buy something i can.
2/28/2013 04:22:18 am
.John Vargas Comments are closed.
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