![]() After having explored the concept of the Monomyth (or Hero's Journey), you are ready to begin independent application of the 12+ stages of the Monomyth to a work of your choice. Please do the following steps in a narrative form (paragraphs, not list):
PLEASE ADD WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH BLOG ENTRY! Primary Blog Entry Expectations (respond to the prompt above): 200-250 words, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. Secondary Blog Entry Expectations (read everyone's first responses, select two that interest you, and respond to their ideas): 100-150 words EACH, minimal errors in grammar and usage, thoughtful and thorough writing. Please use the assigned "pen name" given to you in class. (3 total blog entries for this assignment)
3/6/2015 04:33:16 am
In the movie Finding Nemo, Marlin sets out to find his son who had been captured by the men in a boat. Marlin starts off in the safe environment of his home waiting for his eggs to hatch and when Nemo is his only son, he needed to start school. Marlin did not want to leave Nemo alone but while he was at school, he swam into the open ocean to touch the “butt” to be brave and impress his friends. Marlin starts his journey when he has to go out into the open ocean to find Nemo and he meets Dory on his way. Nemo is the character who is close to Marlin and gets kidnapped. On his journey, Marlin faces multiple challenges. He ends up inside a whale, talks to a group of fish, meets with some turtles and even encounters a group of sharks. Marlin thinks Nemo is dead but Dory urges him to continue searching. Marlin is reborn when he helps dory who had been stung by squishy the jelly fish and almost gets stung himself. Finally Marlin returns to the real world when Nemo is reunited with him. Marlin faces his fear of letting Nemo go when Dory gets caught in a fishing net and Nemo wants to go help her. What the lesson to be learned from Finding Nemo is that any challenges that you face can be applied to everyday things that happen in the ordinary world.
3/6/2015 04:50:08 am
This is a good example of hero's journey. You also have to remember in the beginning of the movie he had two calls to action. One was when his Nemo was kidnapped. Another one was when his wife, Coral, and the rest of her kids were killed by the giant fish.
3/6/2015 09:44:39 am
Nemo faces many challenges because as he is the only son that marlin had, he was his precious little baby that marlin has to take care of, so marlin was very protective over Nemo, yet Nemo had no idea of the consequences. Like you said, nemo wanted to impress his friend by touching the “butt” and it is totally understandable because he had no friends to play with around his home so he was in need of friends and need per to make friends somehow. Then marlin suffers through the kidnap of Nemo and risks his life looking out for his son. So yes, this is a good example of hero’s journey because Nemo gets to know both world as the good he had with his dad and the bad which is when he got kidnapped.
3/6/2015 04:37:57 am
The movie the Princess Diaries can be an example of the Hero’s Journey. The grandmother had her daughter go on an adventure to a whole different country, which is where she goes and experience different changes throughout her life and enemies, different people coming after her because they don’t want her to become the queen of that country and doesn’t believe that she will fit that material. The new world that she is in, she isn’t used to because she receives loyalty from people and gets treated as a queen and as well as getting treated bad from others that don’t believe in her and thinks that she should go back to her country. At one point she got used to being treated differently, she didn’t like getting treated badly so she just kept a positive vibe and followed all of her grandmother’s orders to prevent anything negative from occurring. She then gained friends that didn’t know about her coming to this country to be a queen, but once they found out and looked at her as a liar because she didn’t inform them some of them did turn their backs against her. She’s been through many battles with people in this country because they don’t want to see her as a queen, she doesn’t fit queen material in their eyes and now they will do anything that they can to prevent her from getting queen in their country. She at one point did give up and felt that she should go back to her home and everyone will be happy. Although her grandmother did encourage her to try and that she can get through this and actually become queen. She then took many lessons in the castle, became very neat and queen material, then they all started to look at her differently. Once she was nominated for queen for that country many people looked at her differently due to her changes, in the end she was happy, her grandmother was happy and everyone else in the country was happy with their country.
3/8/2015 01:28:34 pm
I agree! I didn't even think of this movie when I was thinking of which movie to pick to relate to the monomyth Hero's Journey. I can definitely see how The Princess Diaries relates to this monomyth. The protagonist did face challenges and had to make a lot of decision making. She also had to make changes in her life so she can fulfill her expectations from her grandmother, despite her original true feelings on the thought of her becoming a Princess.
3/6/2015 05:19:43 am
3/6/2015 05:23:16 am
This movie is a perfect example of the monomyth. He leaves his old life to go to his new life as a god.
3/8/2015 07:31:22 am
This is a great example of a heros journey because he does leave to be what his dad wanted him to be but he falls in love on the way and decides to stay with meg and not become a god.
3/8/2015 08:33:03 am
This movie was actually a real good example. I did see exactly how he started in his
3/6/2015 05:20:57 am
In the movie Spider Man, Peter Parker is a super hero who dedicates his life to saving the people of New York. Peter Parker’s call to adventure was when his Uncle Ben was killed by a mugger. Parker’s special significance was the spider that bit him and gave him the super powers. Peters guide in the movie is his Uncle Ben. One challenge that parker faced was when he was trying to get use to the different powers that he possessed. He’s in a battle basically throughout the entire movie with the green goblin. Peter’s “Goddess” that he encountered with was Mary Jane. Parker had a flashback about his uncle from when they were talking in the car. Spider man has to face the green goblin near the end of the movie. Parker was trying to escape the green goblin until they both ended up in an abandon church. In the end Peter looks and feels like he’s going to die but he comes back to his senses and gets back up and kills the green goblin. Peter definitely proves that he conquered both the familiar and unfamiliar worlds. The hero does make it appear that the problem is resolved. In conclusion, Spider Man is a perfect example of Hero’s Journey and basically the rest of the Spider Man movies show the hero’s journey too.
3/6/2015 05:21:30 am
Word Count: 225
3/6/2015 09:37:13 am
I agree, this movie does show a great example of Hero's journey! Peter had a chance like you said to encounter both worlds, which he did a good job at because all that gave him strength to kill the green goblin. But also in order to have killed the green goblin p, he needed some way of doing it, so if it wouldn't have been for his super powers that, that spider gave him, he would have not made it. But he did an awesome job by getting through the villain and ending up saving the people. Most of all he didn't give up , and that is why he earned that position as a Hero.
3/6/2015 02:58:06 pm
This was a good movie to talk about , peter actually sort of does gets the best of both worlds . When he turns into spider man he is a lot more powerful and is able to save people like he wants to and then when he isn't being Spider-Man , he gets to be a normal guy . He also does face a lot of challenges throughout the movie which relate to the heroes journey .
3/8/2015 08:47:56 am
This movie is one of my favorites. You picked one of the best examples of the hero's
3/8/2015 01:41:14 pm
This movie indeed shows a perfect example of Hero's Journey. The green goblin imposed a great challenge on Spiderman, but eventually Spiderman was able to defeat him. At some point in the movie, Peter lack of self-confidence caused him to lose control of his superpowers, and also because he was not motivated to be Spiderman. Peter defeated the Goblin largely because of his superpowers which he regain after finding his confidence, and it showed how Spiderman didn't give up. He didn't just defeat the Goblin, but at the same time he saved the city from Goblin hands, and now everyone can finally sleep at night and feel safe. Spiderman became a city hero because he defeated the enemy that has been troubling individuals and their families.
3/6/2015 07:19:59 am
In the movie The Lion King Simba runs away from home because he believes he killed his father. Throughout Simba's journey he meets two other characters known as Timone and Pumba. These two raise and help teach Simba to let go and move on not to worry and hope for the future. Later on in the movie Simba runs into a former friends who tells him that he didnt kill his father and what was going on back at home. The challenges Simba faces is that he struggles with himself when he thought he was the reason for his fathers dealth he just gave up on everything and shut everyone out. He also struggled with the idea of going back home to face the reality of what was going on with his friends and family. At the end he over comes all of this by deciding to go Back home and face the person who really did kill his father which was his uncle scar. At the end Simba steps into the footsteps of his father and becomes king.
3/8/2015 02:10:11 pm
This is my favorite childhood movie, the way Simba was struggling to adjust to life without his father was very sad. The only person that he trusted the most is scar (his uncle); scar was there for him to teach him about how to cope with the loss of his father (Mufasa). All along, Scar was plotting on how to prevent Simba from becoming the new king. My favorite part of the movie is when everyone especially Scar (murdered Mufasa) who thought Simba's dad died was in disbelieve when they saw Mufasa alongside Simba. To me this made Simba a hero because he trotted around the globe to search for his father, and in the end he returned home along with his father.
3/8/2015 03:31:28 pm
Although I do not remember the movie clearly, you did a nice job of explaining the Hero's Journey applied to the Lion King. I think that Lion King is a really great example for Hero's journey. Timone and Pumba represent Simba’s mentors whom he meets along his journey. His call to action is when he believes that he is the reason for the death of his father. Simba faces the hyenas that are the characters who try to stop him on his journey. After Simba realizes that leaving his home is wrong, he returns home and becomes a king but is also reunited with his father symbolically. (107 words)
3/6/2015 07:20:43 am
Taking the monomyth theory and applying it to movies makes you realize every movies “hero” has nearly the same story. For example, the movie 'Daddy's Little Girls”. The main characters call to adventure was getting close to this lawyer while his three daughters were in an unsafe situation. His departure was when his daughters started getting into trouble in school due to their mothers boyfriend, Monty (the main character) is now fully involved in this unfamiliar and angry world. The initiation is when Monty accepts that this is the way it's going to be and he has to do something about it. He gets this push and acceptance from this lawyer woman and his neighborhood people aswell. The Hurdle is when Montys lawyer girlfriend learns he was falsely accused of rape 15 years back and leaves him to figure things out on his own, this is also where he learns his youngest daughter (chynna) is being hit by their mothers boyfriend. The battling the monster part is quite interesting in this movie, Monty crashes into the mother and her boyfriend and actually beats the crap out of the boyfriend before being jumped by his “boys” and having his neighbors help him out. The death/rebirth in this movie is when his girlfriend comes back to defend him and he realizes things can change, the neighborhood finally said something and got the kids mother and boyfriend sentenced to time in prison. After this, Monty got his daughters back and owned the mechanic shop he once worked at. His life is put back in place (the return) with is new girlfriend, his daughters, and a stable job.
3/8/2015 02:19:16 pm
wow. I just finshed watching this movie actually, and i think its a very good eexample of the 12 steps. I would have never thought to use such a movie like this, but you related it very well.
3/6/2015 09:02:42 am
In the book The Iron King, Meghan is an ordinary teen who is kind of forgotten on her birthday until her brother gets taken by this monster hiding in his closet. She meets this winter fey. They then go through the portal. She then finds herself in another realm. Finds out that her real father is the king of the summer fey. She then finds her brother but has to fight to get him back from the winter fey’s mother. She frees her brother and stays in the other realm. She soon comes back as a different person. But her life isn’t any normal at all. She learns through her journey is that there is nothing that would stop her from keeping her family safe and sound. She also learned that the strength that she needed was always inside of her.(word 160)
3/6/2015 09:21:07 am
The movie I pick is called The Croods. This movie is an animation movie that is about a family of 5 people and they all live in a cave during hunt season mostly. They only go out of the cave when they have to hunt for food. Grug (father) is really protective over his family of getting hurt or killed. The oldest child, Eep, is the most adventurous of all, she takes so many risks. She wants to explore the outside of the cave, everything else other than the cave. She is constantly getting in trouble. One day, she escaped from the cave one night to go exploring and then when a more evolved caveman named Guy arrives on the scene. After they move on to another place to find food and much safer, and Eep tries to tell her dad there's a place where guy told her to go that is somewhat much safer and there might be plenty of food. But there's 2 places, the second one is where guy has been dreaming about going, which he has faced many obstacles trying to get there, and so grug finally meets guy and he tells grug how they can get there and start a new chapter in their lives. Grug is distrustful because he doesn't know the guy at all, he's a complete stranger and he's not around from where they are or neither does the guy seem to be trust worthy because he's his daughters age and he might not know what's best for his family. But it soon becomes apparent that Guy is correct about the impending destruction of their world.
3/6/2015 09:21:54 am
WC: 274
3/6/2015 02:54:48 pm
Wow I actually think this is a great movie to talk about for this assignment , it really shows the steps in the hero's journey really well .
3/6/2015 09:46:01 am
In the movie Frozen, Anna and Elsa go through childhood problems by not speaking to each other because Elsa has a power and she can do a lot of damage. Anna never knew about her powers .So they didn’t allow anyone to enter into the castle for safety reason. Then their parents died from their ship crashing during a storm. They then had a ceremony to celebrate Elsa becoming queen, and during the ceremony Anna meets a guy and tells Elsa that she wants to marry him. They get into a whole argument. Then Elsa get mad and lashes out. Everyone knows about her powers and how dangerous she can be. So she runs off and the whole village become ice and is snowing nonstop. Anna goes out to look for Elsa and she meets Kristoff and he helps her to find Elsa. When they finally find her she doesn’t want to go back to the village, she wants to be by herself. Then bad guys try to find her, but they want to kill her. When the end comes the boy that Anna wanted to marry, doesn’t even want to marry her. At the end Anna falls in love with Kristoff and the sisters became close again. What they both learn at the end of the movie is that “your actions affect others.” While Elsa was isolated she thought she was protecting her sister but she was just giving her more pain and loneliness. With Anna when she told her sister off in front of everyone at the ceremony, that had an impact on Elsa. Which is part of the reason she ran away. (275)
3/6/2015 01:31:39 pm
The movie that I have selected that has follows the hero’s journey would be “Batman Begins”. This movie is about a man named Bruce Wayne who defends Gotham City from crime as a vigilante known as Batman. It follows the hero’s journey because as a child, Bruce witnesses the death of his parents in front of him after attending an opera by a mugger. Soon after being raised by his butler, Alfred Pennyworth, for 14 years, he attempts to get revenge for his parents’ death by going after the man who killed them but was too late because someone else had killed the mugger first. His childhood friend Rachel had told him that his father would be ashamed of him because he refused to use the legal system. Soon after, Bruce Wayne leaves to travel the world in order to learn new skills and abilities so that he could bring justice into his own hands which brought him to the League of Shadows where he trained in martial arts and stealth by Ra’s al Ghul. He then returns to Gotham City after rejecting the league’s crusade and burns down the temple and starts to build his base inside of a cave under his mansion where he also is introduced to various technologies by Lucius Fox. After his return, Bruce Wayne began to fight crime against criminals in the city like Falcone and scarecrow with James Gordon having to arrest the criminals. Later on, Ra’s al Ghul shows up in Gotham City and confronts Bruce saying that he will destroy Gotham by tainting the water supply and making Scarecrow’s drug become airborne. After hearing this and saving Alfred from the burning mansion that Ra’s had caused, Bruce went after Ra’s as Batman and stopped him from tainting the water supply which is where he became known as a public hero in Gotham and continues to fight crime to protect the city. (321)
3/6/2015 02:41:36 pm
As discussed in English class, it is evident in human storytelling that almost every story has a common cliché or mono-myth. This means that in these stories most main characters follow a certain path to become who they are. The mono-myth idea, though evident throughout many stories, can be seen in the series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. In this series, young Percy Jackson finds out he is a demigod of Poseidon whose destiny is to defeat the Titan Kronos when he turns 16. His journey begins in his school as a 12 year old with anger issues and dyslexia. He is called to adventure when, after an attack by a Greek monster; his best friend Grover tells him Percy is a very powerful demigod and as such is the one to face the titan Kronos. Percy refuses this call and goes to the beach where he meets his teacher Chiron who trains all demigods. Through him they cross the threshold to Camp Half-Blood were children half god, half man receives training. He meets friends such as Annabeth who guide his quest to beat Kronos. For much of the series he is tested by several little foes and comes to the point where he thinks that he has had enough and there is no way for him to beat Kronos. At this moment his friend Nico suggests he should take a bath in the River Styx to be reborn and be stronger to beat his nemesis. With this he beats Kronos and returns to his normal life with his friends only now he cherishes every moment in life. From this story it is clear here that one makes best of their lives once they find that there is more to the small life that they have.
3/6/2015 02:52:13 pm
The story that I chose to write about is Thor, which is a story about the prince of Asgard that gets thrown out of his homeland and gets his powers taken away as he gets sent to Earth for not following his father’s orders. In his new world he develops a relationship with a scientist named Jane as he attempts to stop his brother Loki from becoming the new king of Asgard and save the world and his new friends around him. The story starts of in the ordinary world of Asgard where Thor was born and grew up. The call of adventure is actually when Thor was kicked out of Asgard for not following his father’s rules and gets sent to Earth. The refusal to call is Thor not wanting to be sent to Earth, and also have fear that the villains might try to take over Asgard. Meeting the mentor in this story would be when Thor tries to lift his hammer mjolnir and realizes that he cannot lift it because his father has taken his power. In this part of the movie, Thor gets very emotional and realizes that he needs to come back to Asgard and make things right with his father. Crossing the threshold would be when Thor realizes that Loki his stepbrother, has been lying to him all along and is the enemy. This is when Thor actually attempts to get back to his ordinary world and face the enemies of Asgard. When Thor’s friends from Asgard come to Earth to rescue him, he is able to go back to Asgard and fight the enemies. He also confronts his brother about lying to him, as he gets into a fight. The approach to the inmost cave is when Thor has to fight off millions of enemies due to his brother Loki, being on the enemy’s side and letting them into Asgard. The ordeal in the story would be when he has to fight his brother Loki and realizing that he was a fraud and betrayed him and his family. Also, Loki, dies because he falls off the bridge that divides the two worlds which also affects Thor. The reward is when Thor proves to his father that he is worthy of coming back to Asgard when he realizes that Thor is actually a good person at heart. Also , his father gives Him his powers back and he is able to return home safely. The lesson of the movie is that you can never truly trust a person just because they claim to be family , sometimes your own family can betray you.
3/6/2015 03:12:55 pm
The movie I picked was Beetlejuice. It is about a happily married couple who is in love
3/6/2015 03:27:26 pm
The movie Shrek can be an example of the Hero's Journey. Shrek the ogre lived in a swamp alone and was used as a tourist attraction for the town of far far away. One day the ruler of that banished all the fairy-tale beings to the woods and his property, so Shrek loses his peace. He sets out on a journey with donkey, his sidekick, to see the ruler of the land to demand for the other fairy-tale creatures to go back to their normal land and regain his peace, the ruler accepts only on one condition that he must go and rescue Fiona, the princess and his "Bride to be", from a tower guarded by a dragon, Shrek accepts. Soon after he rescues Fiona from the tower he realizes that he's falling in love with her and cannot let her go when he brings her back to the land of far far away and goes back to his swamp.By the end he vanquishes the prince in order to get Fiona back and marries her.
3/8/2015 03:38:14 pm
You did a nice job with this but how I would see it is as follows...I never would have thought of using Shrek for this assignment thought it is the perfect movie for Hero’s Journey. Shrek receives the call for action from a short guy who I don’t know the name of. Shrek has to fulfill the quest to rescue a princess in order to keep his swamp. When he starts his adventure, he meets donkey who in his journey is Shrek’s mentor. Donkey is the one who keeps him going though he is obnoxious and Shrek doesn’t like to show he cares for him. The little dude didn’t think Shrek would be successful but Shrek does return with the stubborn at first, Fiona. (110 words)
3/6/2015 03:39:23 pm
The movie I picked is grease the call to action my character faced was when sandy started a new school. She had an amazing summer with this guy named danny and then they split ways because it was only a summer romance. Little did she know she was moving to his town and into his school. She makes friends her first day and she joins the cheerleading team. so the big problem she faced was since she was new the guy danny didnt know she was there and he had his own life there completely diffrenet from when sandy met him so he acted like he didnt know her he was too cool for her. So then through out the movie shes trying to please him and get back what they once had then when he saw her hurt he started changing for her it took a long time but they worked it out and they realized they just have to be themselves.
3/6/2015 04:23:03 pm
Shinqua Benjamin
3/6/2015 05:06:17 pm
First of all Lmfao, second of all the movie you chose was a perfect interpretation of heroes. Even though there was some details you left out.. But never the less it's still good. You explained thoroughly of who played a part in the heroes journey and of the movie itself. It makes me think that of the people that we're in school with and relaxing that many of us play a role in each other's lives that help us conquer our own many situations that we face.
3/8/2015 02:16:33 pm
Anytime anthony! (#7) and i didnt feel as though all details were neccesary for the simple fact that they all didint relate to the 12 steps here. But thanks for your opinion. lol :)
3/7/2015 12:48:19 pm
In the movie Batman (also known as the Dark Knight), played by Bruce Wayne. Wayne witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, and he swore to seek for a revenge. In order to prepare to take on his enemies, Wayne trains himself physically and intellectually and dons a costume resembling a bat. He uses this costume to keep his identity unknown from the enemies and from the people in Gotham City. Batman uses his intellect, science/technology, martial art skills, and physicallity, to overpower his enemies unlike other superheroes like superman that make use of their superpowers. Batman operates only at night so that he will not draw attention from the people in Gotham City. He normally ambush his enemies from behind so that they will put some sort of fear into them. At the end of the movie, Batman killed everyone of his enemies, and while doing so he saved Gotham City from criminals and intruders.The lesson to learn here is that, always lookout for the people that means the world to you, and in this case Wayne's parents were the reason why he seek revenge. Another lesson this movie teaches is, always do what feels right to you even though it might upset others.
3/8/2015 01:24:04 pm
From your summary I can't really see how Batman is an example of the monomyth Hero's Journey... I mean you did a great summarizing it I guess lol. I haven't actually watched the entire batman movie so I'm not sure if this movie is actually a good example of the monomyth. But maybe it could've been if you went more in depth with explaining the movie.
7 aka Anthony... # 11
3/8/2015 04:46:50 pm
Tbh you shouldn't judge by the details the person has used to explain the movie to say that it's not part of the monomyth if you didn't even watch it. You may know what batman is about but their are many different versions of batman that have to deal aspects of his life, so your comment is biased because and shouldn't be even counted as a comment because you didn't watch the movie. Also adding that sentence saying that " I haven't actually watched the entire batman movie"... Made your comment unacceptable and not valid.
3/8/2015 02:24:47 pm
Well maybe you should watch the whole movie next time, that way you can get a full understanding and not enter this blind folded. As for me, I have watched the entire movie and fully inderstand where you are coming from and how you related the two so nicely. Next time just explain more for the people who dont know the story. because if you dont know the movie you wouldbt be able to compare the two
3/8/2015 11:44:29 am
In the movie Cinderella. She is a young girl who is living with her step mother and sister. She then becomes sort of there maid. She does house chores and can't really go out. She gets invited to a ball. Threw the middle of the story Cinderella jumps into another world where she has a god mother who then helps her with everything. She has to stay home while the step mom and sisters go to the ball to meet the prince. While they think that Cinderella is home cleaning she is actually getting ready to go to the ball. She then meets the prince who he falls in love w. Her but can't get to know her because she rushes of before mid-night. After that she then enters back into her world and where she becomes a changed person. 200
3/8/2015 01:18:45 pm
UmMMmmmMm this is definitely a type because you're not #1, I am.
3/8/2015 01:19:09 pm
3/8/2015 02:25:17 pm
3/8/2015 04:21:45 pm
The shy, lonely and outcast teenager Andrew Detmer is bullied and has no friends at high school and lives with his alcoholic father Richard Detmer and his ill mother Karen. Andrew buys a camera to film his everyday life. His cousin Matt Garetty drives him to school and invites Andrew to go to a party at night. They meet their schoolmate Steve Montgomery in the party and they overhear a noise and find a hole in a field. They decide to explore the underground and they acquire powers. Soon the trio learns how to control their telekinetic abilities and Andrew becomes the most powerful. But he easily loses his temper and becomes dangerous while Matt tries to control him. Andrew changes because he couldn't buy the medicine for his motto keep her healthy so he becomes a menace and starts using his powers on negative things and starts turning on his friends. At the end of the movie him and Matt began to fight. it was like good vs evil. The movie did not have a real ending to show the change in Andrew Comments are closed.
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