Prompt: Think about the items that you carry in your bag (backpack, purse, fanny-pack, man-bag, etc.). Choose two items and explain why you have chosen to "hump" these items wherever you go. What is the tangible and intangible element of each item and why? Then think and write about what these items say about you. Primary Blog Post: 2 Full Paragraphs (200-250 words - use at least one MLA cited quote from the short story) Secondary Blog Post: 1 Full Paragraph (100-150 words) X 2 (one each for two classmates) *please note: you must use a "pen name" for this assignment (both primary blog entry and secondary blog entry) but you MUST let me know who you are so that I may give you credit. -(DAY 1) Primary Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of the day (Friday 2-6-2015 at 11:59 pm) will be scored. -(DAY 2) Secondary Blog Post: Only those posted by the end of the weekend (Sunday 2-8-2015 at 11:59 pm) will be scored.
2/6/2015 12:19:37 am
2/7/2015 12:31:32 pm
The two items I choose to hump would be my Pandora bracelet and my phone. I always carry my Pandora bracelet because it has so many valuable charms my loved ones gave me. The Pandora bracelet has meaning, each charm tells its own story that relates to my life. I carry my phone as well because its use is very important for emergencies. I like to be prepared for anything that might happen. “Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people…” Tom Brady said which that’s why I feel it’s very important to carry my phone.
2/8/2015 11:32:34 am
I agree with why you hump those two items around because my phone, omg I think I would go crazy without my phone especially because of all the different things you can do on it now a days, and the Pandora I can relate to you with that because your family/friends put so much thought into each charm they purchase
2/9/2015 09:44:48 am
Your Pandora bracelet is sort of like mini pictures (despite the fact that they are charms). I totally agree with you wanting to carry it around because it is a way for you to look down and forget about what's going on, toying with the charms and laughing at how you're family member's gave them to you.
3/3/2015 05:45:54 am
I also agree with the Pandora bracelet because it's something i'll want to hold on to and keep a memory with me when I go. My phone also because if anything happens I can call for an emergency but there's no power outlet that I can charge my phone if it dies.
3/6/2015 12:05:41 am
I like the idea of bringing a Pandora bracelet. Each reminding you of certain memories with certain loved ones. It'd be a good thing to cherish everyday. I also like the phone for emergency's as well. For instance, if you get lost, you can use your GPS (:
3/2/2015 10:03:56 am
This post was just amazing, great work!
2/6/2015 12:40:10 am
If I needed to bring one thing with me to war I would choose to bring my iPod. My iPod carries more than just music with it; it carries treasured memories of my family and friends. The music on it carries a wide range of emotions from memories of laughter, love, and tears. It has gotten me through really tough times and would be the perfect distraction to keep my mind at peace amongst all of the pain and suffering of the war occurring. In “The Things They Carried” by Tim Obrien, many of the characters carried things with them that meant a lot to them emotionally. “First Lt. Jimmy Cross carried letters from a girl named Martha…he loved her” (Obrien 1). Lt Jimmy cross used his letters and focused on his love for Martha to distract from all of the responsibility that he carried with him. If it is necessary that you bring something to war it should be something with deep meaning to you personally. It should be something that can take you back to good memories of home with your family and loved ones; a way to feel all of the emotions you once felt and relive those memories that took so long to create.
2/8/2015 02:23:12 pm
I like your thinking, because i would probably bring the same thing. Music brings peace to your mind and it is helpful to bring it with you in a rough place and need to relax. I understand why this would bring you peace and I also understand why you would interpret the story with what you would bring. But my question to you is, how did you figure out that, that would be the perfect thing to bring with you? How did you know that would do it for you? Everyone try'r to resort back to music but I don't feel like they truly understand exactly what is the meaning behind it. But on the other hand I feel like you really understand that meaning of music.
3/2/2015 10:24:45 pm
I feel like your choice of bringing an ipod is a good idea, i feel as if having music during all of the pain and suffering that is going on in the war will allow you to come to a peace state of mind. This would allow me to relax and catch a grasp of what is really going on in the war. Music always has that soothing feeling and can always comfort someone even at the worst of times. The memories that you contain on your ipod also would be nice to have pictures of family members and other friends so you never loose "touch" with them per-say
3/6/2015 12:03:09 am
I agree. Music gives peace and relaxation from reality for most people, especially at hard and stressful times.
3/3/2015 05:55:26 am
I also agree with bringing my ipod because music is everything. Listening to music on the way will keep me motivated and happy. The music, pictures, etc. everything on an ipod will persuade me to be stronger and keep my head up.
2/6/2015 12:40:49 am
The two items I’d choose to hump would be a ring and a phone. With a phone, I can do anything that’d help in serious situations. I can call someone for help or back up. I can use GPS to locate certain bases and locations that can be used as shelters and to reequip some important objects and supplies we’d need along the journey. I also chose the ring because it came from someone who meant everything to me. This person has accepted me throughout all my flaws, mistakes, my idiocy and I couldn’t be anymore greatful to have a person like her in mylife. I’ve worn this ring every day for the past four years, the emotional attachment I have with this ring is indescribable. I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without it.
2/8/2015 03:11:30 pm
I agree with why you hump over your ring because a ring isn't just a piece of rock that fits on your finger, it shows that the person that gave you that ring has shown you how deeply in love that person is with you. It's a symbol of love that no one can never break and that person will always stay committed to you forever in your whole entire life.
2/6/2015 12:43:17 am
Hey, Every Body!
2/6/2015 03:30:42 am
Two items that I would carry around me wherever I go are a cellphone and a picture of my family. I would bring a cellphone with me because if I was ever in a bad situation and I needed help, I would use my cellphone to call someone that will help me out in any type of situation that I got myself into. I would bring a picture of my family because my family is much more important than anything else, and if I ever felt like I was depressed, sad, or angry about something, I can always pull out a picture of my family and I can easily forget why I was depressed, sad, or angry. My cellphone is tangible because it has a very smooth surface all around it and is very light, but it is also intangible because the person that you are talking to can hear you, but cannot feel the feelings that you have in your heart. What these items say about me is that I will always care for my family, even if we are far apart from each other that doesn’t stop me from wanting to call them and if we can’t see each other, then we can always use a photograph of each other as if we never had left each other’s sides. That shows that I would always make my family my first priority to make sure that they have a safe life and have them not miss any opportunities that awaits them.
2/8/2015 02:55:35 pm
It's nice that you carry around a picture of your family. Sometimes it is nice to have the people you love so close to you. The smallest things can have the biggest effect on you and can make your day in the biggest way. I understand how you feel about your cellphone because it makes sense. A lot of people don't leave the house without their phones because they can't live without it. But that doesn't just seem like the only reason why you bring it with you.
3/2/2015 10:27:49 pm
I also feel like a cellphone and picture would go a long way in the war. By having your cellphone you may be able to contact people if you were in immediate danger, and it would allow you to call for protection or anything like that. I also believe that carrying a picture with your family on it will allow you to understand what you are truly fighting for. It might give you the strength that you need during the war to come out on top. When your going to bed at night it gives you something to look at, and something to appreciate, this is why i believe these were two good choices.
2/6/2015 04:13:31 am
In my bag I carry my lotion, and sanitizer. I choose to "hump" these things around wherever I go because they make me feel safe. My lotion is the main thing because I don't feel anyone should go around being ashy. The way you present yourself to others is always important. They say your first impression can either make or break you, so you might as well make it a good one. My lotion is a way of helping me to remember that. Being able to understand that without even noticing that, that is what you are doing is a way to be a better person in life.
2/6/2015 10:11:53 am
War and Peace
2/8/2015 03:18:11 pm
I agree with why you would hump over your headphones because it does help block out anything that is on your mind and can help focus on things that are important. It can definitely help calm yourself whenever your in a bad mood or if you can't think straight. Listening to music with headphones will block out all the noises that are going on around you, whether it's at home or in public.
2/9/2015 09:39:17 am
I like the fact that you would hump around your headphones these are tools that everyone needs. Music helps to relax you, or put you in the mood to go into action. The keys seem to be a form of a safety blanket the way I see it. Being in the predicament Lt. Cross and his men are in they need to feel like they will be home safe with their family and they will be home soon.
2/6/2015 10:21:19 am
Two items that I would “hump” around with me a lot would be my chap stick and my comb; these two items describe me as somewhat of a girly girl, or just a presentable person. I would keep these two around because it makes me feel like nothing can go wrong especially with it being dry and hot out there I can have my chap stick to keep my lips moisturized and my comb to put my hair up when needed if it’s not already up. Chap stick is the most important thing that anyone could have because why would you want to walk around with ashy lips that’s not how you want people to remember you as. Everyone should or does carry one everywhere and if not then that’s just you. Now my comb, I carry my comb everywhere, I do this because you never know when something could go wrong and your hair gets nappy or it need to be put up or just because you want to look nice, you should always keep either a comb or a brush to keep your hair looking nice, now for the guys they should always have a brush to tame their hair as well, especially if they have the fro.
2/6/2015 01:46:22 pm
An item that i choose to "hump" around is a picture of me and my boyfriend, while this picture weighs little to nothing and stays on the in side of my notebook it does have more too it. This picture is always a gentle reminder to me to keep going on, no matter how hard things seem and things will workout because he always encourages me. Also this picture makes me happy because he is such a funny person, the picture in general just reminds me that through everything hard i have been through he has been there and gives me hope. I also carry around my cellphone, this also is something that doesnt weigh much and is small but whats on it means alot, conversations, pictures, videos, social media and of course i carry it around as a precaution just in case i was ever in a bad situation i would have a way to contact my family and find some help, my cellphone sometimes can help me if im lost with the gps, it allows me to keep in contact with people and basically the world ,its such a little fragile device but can so easily be a huge part of everyones life, like mine.This shows that i am someone that loves to love and be loved, some who can care and be cared about as well, my phone allows me to talk to my family even ones that live far, and the picture makes me feel good to know that i am cared about.
2/8/2015 11:37:42 am
I think carrying around a picture of you and your boyfriend sounds like something I would do, but I don't, only because if I was to lose or misplace it I would be very upset. And I agree 100% with you about the whole phone situation because if some people didn't have a phone they might just go crazy
3/2/2015 10:15:43 am
That is the sweetest thing on this thread, i think it is a smart choice to bring a picture of you and your boy friend because if he gives you hope, it would make motivated to eventually make it back home to him and being able to hold a physical photo means much more and people are more attached to physical photos, i also agree with bringing your cellphone because it would be able to keep you in contact with the people you love and your friends and that defiantly would make it less stressful knowing that you could still talk to people.
2/9/2015 09:36:27 am
Items that I would 'hump' with me would be pencils, a sharper, and much, much paper. I would hump these tangible items because you can draw what you want to, you can draw what you see/feel so much emotion comes from a few lines caused by a pencil. Drawing is a stress reliever, and a place to escape into a world of ecstasy. The tangible presence of the pencil, sharpener, and paper is that you can touch it, and carry them around. But the intangible presence of these items are that you can create places/words with them (sharpener can be used to sharpen your writing tool). Example if I draw a house you can run your hand across the paper feeling it's 'soft' surface you cannot feel the wood, the nails, the glass of the house. These items will tell other's who look at my work/words that I am someone who is very observant and someone who day dreams of a better outcome when it comes to my situation.
2/14/2015 10:37:23 am
The two items that I feel like I “ hump” the most are my phone and some type of chapstick. Whether is an egg or carmax or even blistex. I carry my phone everywhere I go because it has everything I need . It's like my life in my hands at all times. The intangible part to my phone is how it makes me feel complete and in away safe . This is because of there was and emergency I would have it to help me . Like in the story The Things They Carried solider Ted lavender carried 34 rounds of and instead of he normal 25 rounds because it made him feel more protected of what was to come like how my phone makes me feel.
3/2/2015 10:09:58 am
I am in total agreement with you about the bringing your phone, because honestly having a phone makes you feel way more protected and like you said it does have everything you to protect yourself, cellphones even have GPS trackers in them so if you go missing some one would be able to track your phone, not to mention that smart phones have flashlights so you would even be able to see at night, so i totally agree with you about bringing your phone, but i don't know if id bring chap stick but that's just preference because i don't need chap stick but, more power to you
3/2/2015 10:02:52 am
Two items that i would hump around with me would be my smart phone, and a pencil. The reason i chose these two possessions is because having my phone would give me the comfort to actually believe that i feel protected, Like in The Things They Carried, solider Ted lavender carried 34 rounds of and instead of he normal 25 rounds because it made him feel more protected of what was to come and being able to believe that some one is able to be called in time of need is comforting to me not to mention i would have access to hundreds of my photos of my family and friends, and i would be able to listen to music so if you become really stressed you would be able to become less stressed and keep your sanity. You could also use your cellphone to make contact with people so that you wouldn't miss them as much. I also mention that i would bring a pencil with me, i would bring a pencil because when i feel super stressed sometimes i wouldn't need to be able to transfer my stress and emotions on to paper or any material just to release it help relax my self, not to mention that it could also help me stay sane because holding in stress isn't healthy for the human body and eventually it that stress will kill you so being able to draw will defiantly help me be slightly happier. 247 words
3/2/2015 10:20:51 pm
If I had to choose to bring something with me I would carry a knife, and a weapon. I would choose these items because they both provide a form of protection. The reason that i didn't choose any other items is simply because when your out at war, there isn't really anything else you should need. I mean yes you could carry charms and other things like that that have meaning, but as far as staying safe and actually making it out of the war alive, i believe that a knife and a weapon would be the best choice. These tools say that i am the type of person who understands how to stay safe and is always taking precautions
3/3/2015 03:20:10 am
I would understand if you were in a war, but I don’t agree to carrying around these things daily because it would be dangerous to the ones around you, and it could get you in a lot of trouble too especially in school. In a different situation like a war carrying weapons and knifes daily would be okay for self protection because you would constantly be in danger and yes these would be the most important things to look out for your own personal protection. Constantly carrying around weapons is not really safe because if you get really mad you might feel the need to use it and harm someone else in the process, so I disagree I think that this would be really unsafe.
3/3/2015 05:38:20 am
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